Monday, December 19, 2022

J Cryots submits:


Thank Elon Musk that this is surviving........
I had been hypothesizing that this gender-change insanity was SOMETHING IN THE WATER
based on early research that environmentalists spread...long ago... 
....the PESTICIDE [atrazine] changed male frogs into female form and behavior...
HORMONE-DISRUPTORS....... 80 million pounds of the pesticide are sprayed on corn and sorghum EACH YEAR..  EPA allows it in our water at 3ppb, 30 times higher than what affects frogs...
....SYNGENTA manufactures atrazine..... eh?
....other research says it affects also fish, birds, reptiles and MAMMALS....
 BUT THIS CLIP says the origin is academic MALFEASANCE in the EXTREME... and protected by FINANCIAL FORCES.. imagine what a foreign power hostile to the USA military could come up with if they were in the labs ...  WUHAN is not an exception in the corrupt collaboration with academia and government regulators...  huge amounts of American taxpayer funded research uses foreign STUDENTS and foreign LAB collaboration...
Corporate Parity feminists were useful idiots.... as well...
Prove me wrong......
BUT where did the earlier perversions including TRANS SURGERY come from... like in the early NAZI periods..  here's Bowdwin College bragging about Kinsey and the German Sex Science connection.. if you can stand even skimming-n-skipping..
I once read a history of the collapses of empires and it seemed to conclude that sloven corruption in the lifestyles led to denigration of the role of food production and service as low-level skills and left to personnel that was conceivably hostile to that culture, understandably..... Collapse ensued each time as strangely wrong moves piled on even worse ideas..
WOW how accurate a description of today's life and powers..... like Biden/WEF/CCP  now
.....TIME to TAKE BACK FARMING and KITCHEN as NATIONAL MEDICAL and LIFE STRATEGIC RESOURCES... into our own hands and buying choices........ voting included.....
Don't you agree?

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