Tuesday, December 13, 2022

 J Cryots submits:

Hi Conservatives,
We are not just howling at the wind. 

Those of us Arizona patriots who care about the truth of our elections are fighting back- RIGHT NOW.

I am Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers, and I am helping in a massive response to the stolen 2022 Arizona election. Help me rally Republicans and Arizonans to fix this election mess!

First things. Lawsuits have been filed. 
We are going to court. Kari Lake and Mark Finchem are filing challenges to the election and in particular, the flawed Maricopa election. 

Not only that, but several Arizona counties- including ones I represent- are joining them!
Arizonans of all kinds have awoken to the fact that this elections was deeply flawed- defrauded and illegitimate.

Several counties have has enough of their votes being diluted by Maricopa's fraud.

In fact, 2/3 of Arizona Democrats agree that Maricopa voters were denied their right to vote. EVERYONE WANTS THIS FIXED!

It's not just the right thing to do.... it's good politics.
Katie Hobbs has certified her own ascension to Governor. This stinks and we will NOT let this go. 

This goes beyond active resistance to Katie Hobbs if she gets away with it and becomes governor. 

We are suing to stop her. Everyone, many parties, many entities, and we will not stop until this has been put right.

I am a State Senator and Chairman of the Elections Committee, I am making sure the fraud in 2022 is being properly and comprehensively challenged

I am supporting and helping coordinate the response. And I will be passing more bills to address this during the legislature. 

Help me lay bare the truth of Maricopa's flawed elections! There are key people I need to convince. Help me pull together a united response

America First,
Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)
Arizona State Senator
Arizona's 6th Legislative District
P.S. Arizona is paying attention to how well I can raise money - and how many patriots can support me. Will you help me show them how serious we are about election integrity?

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