Sunday, August 7, 2022


 X22 Reρort - Peter Navarrø: Decertìficatíon Is Possible! History Will Show The Déëp Stâte Cheated In The 2ø2ø Èlectiøn! - Must Video

REPORTER: John Rolls: Peter Navarro is an economist, professor of business, he was appointed by President Trùmρ on Dec. 21, 2016, to head the National Trade Council. Peter  begins the conversation talking about inflation and the economy. The Bìden Àdministration has caused the problem and we need to remove these people from office before they destroy the country. The economy can be repaired. History will show that the [DS] cheated in the electiøn and that Trùmρ was the true President of the US.

Go Here to see, "X22 Reρort - Peter Navarrø: Decertìficatíon Is Possible! History Will Show The Déëp Stâte Cheated In The 2ø2ø Èlectiøn! - Must Video"



Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch - the Owner Tells the Real Story.. A Must Watch Video!

REPORTER: Jeffery Pritchett: Presented by Duane Ollinger, an oil field/refinery contractor , entrepreneur, and adventurer, and 66% owner of Blind Frog Ranch. You may recognize him from the new hit TV show “Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch”. Blind Frog is located just 20 miles north of Skinwalker Ranch. Both properties share a long history of high strangeness activities, which are ongoing to this day. Blind Frog also has a long history of hidden gold.

Whether it be Aztec, American Indian, or even Mormon gold; it all has connections to Blind Frog. There is much more than gold hidden at Blind Frog. In this presentation, Duane Ollinger will share the real story about how he became the caretaker of Blind Frog. The whole story behind the story.

Go Here to see, "Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch - the Owner Tells the Real Story.. A Must Watch Video!"

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