Monday, June 6, 2022

 Submitted by: Joseph Grisafi Jr

Laying Siege To The Institutions

By Christopher F. Rufo – Founder and Director, Battlefront

Excerpts from the “Imprimis” - April/May 2022 Volume 51 Number 4/5

Emphasis is mine

What makes this issue exceptionally noteworthy is what he mentions has been going on since the 1960’s – six decades. Issues like; radical ideas are commonplace and ideologies such as identity politics and the Cultural Revolution.

“There is a direct line between those ideas born in the 60’s and the public policies being adopted today…” Rufo says. He said some leftist dreams fizzled out in the 60’s and 70’s but the leftist dreamers didn’t give up. They settled on a more sophisticated strategy – taking control of education and culture – a strategy of German Marxist Rudi Dutschke, a student activist in the 60’s. He called it “The long march through the institutions.”

This idea is traceable to Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci who wrote in 1930 of “capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches, and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.” This march through our institutions, begun a half-century ago, has now proved largely successful. Rufo is right. INCREMENTALISM started long ago. It kept creeping into our culture. This “slight-of-hand” has worked for six decades.

Again I will ask as I’ve done many times – “Where were we?” Where have our representatives been for the last 50 years? The creeping “ism’s” infiltrated our culture in so many ways and “we” and our representatives were asleep not knowing what was going on. The lack of critical thinking had much to do with it.

Rufo’s research found that the revolutionary ideas of the 60’s have been replaced, repurposed, and injected into American life at the institutional level. Much of what he says is not new to many of us. But still, many are shocked to discover this. Think "institutional level".

Over the past two years parents have been outraged over critical race theory, transgenderism and more. All that we see today didn’t start this year or last year or ten years ago. It’s been a long march through the institutions. If one strategy didn’t work, another one was found. And where have we been all this time?

The Marxists know how to divide and conquer. What is our strategy in response? What is our counter-move? We had / have none.

Rufo’s speech also mentions much about Disney, which I will not go into. Suffice to say that Disney should be on everyone’s shit list.

Lessons learned by Rufo: CRT and gender theory have been captured at the structural level and can’t be reformed from within. You can’t replace bad directors of diversity, equity, and inclusion with good ones. THE IDEOLOGY IS BAKED IN. Thus Rufo calls for a siege strategy. You have to be aggressive. Fight on your terms not theirs. Don’t pull any punches. This is why voting will not work. Try to replace bad with good but nothing will change at that level.

Example: Gun rights – replace someone who is anti guns with someone who is pro guns. It will not work unless or until all the gun laws are repealed. Not an easy task. And what are the chances? THE IDEOLOGY IS BAKED IN. Another example is the use of your social security number. My SS card has printed at the bottom “NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION”. But we must use it for many of the things we do. THE IDEOLOGY IS BAKED IN.

“We will never win if we play by the rules set by the elites who are undermining our country. We can be polite and lose every battle OR we can be impolite and actually deliver results for the great majority of Americans who are fighting for their small business, fighting for their jobs, fighting for their families.” Rufo says. I love how this guy thinks. Fight fire with fire. One of my pet peeves that drive me crazy is when I hear someone call something an “accomplishment” when it is not. No results were recognized nor felt. Nothing was gained.

Rufo also mentions mobilizing popular support. We must rip the veil off our institutions so we can make informed choices.

Conservatives have for too long been resistant to attacking the credibility of our institutions. We can’t trust them. They have lost all credibility.

Rufo sums up by saying “we make a mistake in thinking about politics simply in terms of a LEFT versus RIGHT dynamic.” We must focus on a top versus bottom dynamic. By that he means The American Revolution of 1776 and the leftist revolution of the 1960’s. The first offers a continued unfolding of American’s founding principles of freedom and equality. The second ends up in nihilism and demoralization.

“Even those of us who are temperamentally predisposed to defense must recognize that offense – laying siege to the institutions – is what is now demanded.” Rufo says.

I seriously doubt that everyone will come around to this. There are many that lack the will to use any defense in order to win. They do not have the proper mindset to win at any cost. Because winning may mean doing something they vehemently oppose – and that is harming or injuring or dare I say “killing” no matter what is at stake.

Side Note: True short story. I’ve had many discussions with people at work before retiring about guns and self defense. Many did not have the mindset to use defense of any kind to save themselves or their families. Getting into the details just blew my mind. What would you do if you saw your wife and daughter being rapped? His reply to me was - shrugging his shoulders. He could not answer because it made him feel uncomfortable. He knew deep down what he should do but could not use any defense against the criminal to protect and save his family. He could not harm the criminal. Many do have this mindset.


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