Tuesday, May 31, 2022

MUST WATCH! America's Near Death Civilization Event

 Submitted by: Arata Osho

Skull & Bones at Yale. Male bonding through sexual perversions. A form of mutual blackmail. Bohemian Grove in SanFrancisco area where those behind the curtain meet yearly. It's all an 'evil cult' for world manipulation (and of course there is more like the WHO/world hell organization). One of their techniques is to keep everyone 'mixed up' as much as possible (is happening, and with lots of bullshit)

Those behind the curtain have a dark 'enlightenment' called 
'hasnamuss' they are preditor blood sucking psychopaths in control of sociopath helpers to greedily get what they want

Spiritually, I'm in on it...I support their winning over control of the sheeple
IF the masses don't get real, informed, and do something to stop this 'negative reset' that will happen faster than China's mega cities arose. (or Dubai). There are some in that controller group who have the objective of cutting the population in 1/2 by the end of 2023! My view - ain't going to happen, but how it can is roaring globally forward.
This video is a bit 'odd' in my view, but it's on the mark. Are you? Don't take a chance that this is a 'conspiracy theory'. It is NOT a theory!.

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