Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Constitutional Carry

 Submitted by: Joseph Grisafi Jr

Constitutional Carry

                                                                                                            By Joe Grisafi

I’ve been beating this drum for over twenty years to both the NRA and the Texas State Rifle Association. The brainwashed are too brainwashed to listen or even hear. Why do I bother? I guess it’s in hope of someone eventually hearing the drum beats.  But I’m not holding my breath.

Here are some excerpts from a recent short article from the NRA Rifleman magazine, March 2022. Hopefully you will be able to glean the lies, the deceit in what is being said. Fact is, to the writer of this article and all the other articles I’ve read, it is neither a lie nor deception. They truly believe what they are saying because they have been saying it for so long. Here are the quotes from the article.

Second Amendment: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Quote #1: “We’ve seen a number of improvements in the area of self-defense laws over recent years, such as getting rid of confusing, life-endangering restrictions that attempt to dictate when a firearm may be lawfully used for defensive purposes against violent criminals. We’ve also seen many states remove some of the restrictions on where law-abiding citizens may carry firearms”

Quote #2: “But the culmination of our efforts to expand the right to self-defense with a lawfully possessed firearm has been the push for Constitutional Carry, sometimes referred to as permitless carry. Constitutional Carry of course, allows for law-abiding citizens to carry a concealed firearm for personal protection without first seeking permission from the government.”

Quote #3: “As we’ve previously reported, 2021 was a banner year for Constitutional Carry. We saw five states enact laws that removed the requirement that law-abiding gun owners first acquire a permit before they may lawfully carry a firearm in defense of themselves or their loved ones. “

Quote #4: “…and we will do everything possible to ensure we add to the list of 21 states that have embraced the original intent of the Second Amendment by removing the government “permission slip” for carrying a firearm for self-defense.”

Quote #5: “Our goal is to ensure all law-abiding gun owners can freely exercise their right to self-defense with as little government intrusion into their lives as possible.”

Let’s look at quote #1: No laws were eliminated. Some have been changed but none eliminated. So where were the improvements? A law given can be easily taken away on a whim. They changed one DICTATE TO ANOTHER DICTATE. Ultimately this is not an improvement just a change of direction. The way the law is written will leave it up to the courts to decide…..and we know how that will go.

Let’s look at quote #2: So what is “permitless carry”? It’s the Second Amendment. But ultimately they are giving you “permission” to carry WITHOUT a “license”. See the play on words here? And this is how the NRA and the TSRA are deceiving you. Even thou they may not think they are deceiving you, they are. Again, on a whim, they can take it away. Why? They can take it away because it’s the law. Does the Second Amendment mention anything about getting permission or not needing permission?

Let’s look at quote #3: Many states are going for this because again, it’s just a matter of changing direction. It’s just another law that can be taken away. They will leave it up to the courts to decide. Maybe two years ago you had a DWI. That will go against you. They will find anything that you have done and rule against you. You should not have been carrying.

Let’s look at quote #4: This quote is ridiculous. They are doing everything possible to create another law that can be overturned whenever they damn well feel like it. Okay, so you don’t need a “permission slip”. But if something happens you may/will be relying on the courts to rule in your favor. Good luck. “Embrace the original intent…” Oh! - The deception. Hopefully it’s obvious to you how this is so deceiving. One is God given, the other is government given, in other words “permission”.

Let’s look at quote #5: “…with as little government intrusion into our lives as possible”. Now what does this mean? That means “look out”. If you have to pull your gun you do not have the Second Amendment on your side. You have “Constitutional Carry” on your side. They are not the same. One is a right. The other is a law concocted up by your government.

If they were really concerned about you and your right to carry a gun they will bring back the true meaning of the Second Amendment, which means eliminating all other gun laws and regulations and re-instating the Second Amendment as it was meant to be. We know this will never happen.

I could go on with examples but hopefully this short exercise opened your eyes. It opened mine decades ago. And these people are supposed to be on our side. Yeah, right. The truly sad part of all this is that most people believe all the deception – believe all the lies. They believe it because they are not thinking, they are not critical thinkers. They believe anything they are told because it sounds so good. So why are we in the trouble we are in today??? It’s because of people like this who believe the lies and deceptions - The non-thinkers - The robots.


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