Dear Friend, Moments ago, Trudeau's police attacked our reporter Alexa Lavoie. She was simply doing her job: documenting Canada's shocking descent into martial law. She's not a protester. She's a journalist. But she's not one of Trudeau's journalists. So when one of Trudeau's cops spotted her today, he made a bee-line for her. He beat her with a stick, and he shot her in the leg with a tear gas canister. Take a look: 
Trudeau has a vendetta against Alexa. You might remember, Alexa asked the best question in the entire 2021 election debates — about why he doesn't recognize natural immunity when it comes to Covid. Trudeau was so flustered by the question, he refused to answer her. He's never forgiven her for making him look like a fool. So today he got his revenge — he sent an armed thug to beat up a woman. I'm shocked. I hate it when any of our reporters are attacked. But it's always worse when it's a female reporter. She was targeted on purpose. We normally have security for our journalists — but security doesn't work when it's the police that are attacking. I spoke with Alexa and she's in pain. I asked her if she would go to the hospital, but she insisted on staying on the scene, to document Canada's descent into authoritarianism. She insists on finishing her job, despite her obvious injuries. I salute her courage — she has a tremendous Rebel spirit. I also promised her that I would sue the police for her, in an attempt to get justice. I don't know if that's a fool's errand in Trudeau's Canada. But out of sheer loyalty and support, we must try. I just got off the phone with one of our lawyers, and it's our plan to sue the government when the weekend is over. I'll send you a copy of the lawsuit when it's filed. If you can help chip in to cover the cost of the lawsuit, please do — obviously we're up against the combined resources of the entire police state. I'm deeply troubled by what I'm seeing in Canada. But that's the point — I'm seeing it only because of brave journalists like Alexa who show it to me, by being on the front lines and telling the truth. Trudeau knows that, too, which is why he's specifically trying to take out our reporters. Help me help Alexa stay strong and defend her rights — please click here to help chip in to cover the cost of what will surely be a David and Goliath battle. Yours truly, Ezra Levant P.S. I've never seen such brutal policing in a democratic country. Even when Rebel News sent reporters to Hong Kong it wasn't this brutal. Canada has truly fallen. P.P.S. The first step to regaining our democracy is to show people what's going on. That's why Alexa is so powerful — she tells the truth, and millions of people are watching her videos. Please help me help her fight back, by clicking here, or going to Thank you. |
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