Saturday, January 15, 2022


                                                         Are You Working in God’s Fields


Are You Trying to Be The Judge?



I have delivered sermons about the many religions and various Christian Denominations who claim to be the ONLY ONES that will attain heaven. I have posed questions to some of that ilk and received answers that are not well thought out and certainly not worthy of relating them to you.


As a Christian you have been taught that you have a duty to spread God’s Good News to all. In doing so you are of the many workers God has sent out to ‘sow the seed.” Just as you have “sown the seed,” there are other workers that God has sent to “water that seed.” The two (or more) of you, the ‘seed sower’ and the ‘water provider’ are a team. But what must be realized is that although you sowed and another watered neither one of you made the seed grow.


I Corinthians 3:6 My job was to plant the seed in your hearts, and Apollo watered it, but it was God, not we, who made it grow.


It is a simple deduction that allows me to gain the realization that no single religion or Christian denomination can truly say that persons not of their beliefs are condemned to hell. As Christians are taught, to not be judges, aren’t those who condemn others really setting themselves up as judges?


How do I get this insight by the Scripture cited here? Read on:


James 4:12 …He alone has the power to save or destroy. So what right do you have to condemn your neighbor?


If God decides what seed to allow to grow, how can any man or religious movement claim that his religion or denomination can somehow determine who is going to heaven and who is condemned? God alone will be the decision Maker that will determine who gain eternal life, not any man.


It is our job, as Christians, to sow the seed, by following up with sound teaching, thus watering that seed, that God will watch and determine if, and when, that seed will grow. This is our work for God.


I sincerely hope that I am getting the point across in the manner God has lead me to use and with the Words He has given me.


I, for one, realize that I do not know what is in the heart of a man. I can, through utilizing the gift of discernment God has given me, see someone shaking his or head in agreement of something I have said about Christianity, but I do not know what is in that person's heart and mind. I can only, through faith in God, use what gifts God has given me to see and feel that the person and I are in agreement.


In that respect I caution you, be ever careful. Words used by differing religions, seemingly agreeable, are often totally different in understanding to each person in the discussion where the words were uttered. Allow me to cite an example.


While sitting with a Mormon I said, “Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, was the mother of God.”


The Mormon man agreed but you must understand, in the faith he practices and believes in, “all men of his faith will be Gods.” Therefore, and male child that Mary had could be God; no matter how many sons she had!


But, let’s get back to the topic of the sermon.


I asked each of you, are you a worker in God’s fields or are you trying to be a judge? By that I am asking, are you content to do the work God has assigned you or are you going to be a person who says whether another goes to heaven or will be condemned to hell? I know that I do not have time to set myself up as the judge of any man’s heart. My time is spent telling all that I meet that I am Christian and would love to tell them of God’s Good News, that being, Jesus was born as a man, walked amongst us, taught us, gave up His life thereby granting us Salvation, was raised by God to life and ascended to heaven and He will return.. Now this might sound easy but if you have ever spoken to anyone that has no religious belief, you have your job ‘cut out’ for you!


If each of us stopped worrying about will or will not be going to heaven we would have more time to do God’s work. God wants us with him but does not want us to decide for Him the things that are only His to decide! After all, it is His will to be done, not ours.


Do the work God has led you to. If that is working in an old folks home, serving meals to the homeless, advising a group of something related to God’s teachings, anti-abortion clinics, counseling rehabilitated drug and alcohol abusers, counseling prisoners, or anything you know to be God’s work, then do it! Do it with enthusiasm.


Romans 12:11 Never be lazy in your work, but serve the Lord enthusiastically.


And, as you work alongside another Christian, have faith that the other knows the job at hand.


1 Corinthians 3:8 …the one who plants and the one who waters work as a team with the same purpose.


(Closing prayer)


Almighty God, Creator of everything, Creator of life, our Creator, we praise You and ask that You accept our worship.


Father, we strive to do Your bidding and bring Your Good News to all that we meet and do the work You have designed for us in a manner so as to be seen as God fearing, and loving Christians. Please be with us as we seek to do Your work. Grant us success Father.


Father, there are so very many in need of Your divine teachings and we ask that You bolster our numbers with new Christians who are strong in faith and full of Your love.


Almighty God, as we do weekly and daily for many of us, we ask that You shed Your mercies and grant protection to our military; stand beside them O Lord. Also, we ask that You protect and guide our elected officials, judges, police personnel, the many men and women who provide our national security services and the many Christian children throughout the world. Grant them peace and send Your angels to be with them in times of need.  


Lord, we ask all of these things in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who is One with You and the Holy Spirit., One God forever and ever,


Amen, amen and amen.

Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr
God's Word Christian Ministry
Conservative Patriot

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