Tuesday, January 11, 2022



Variants, Propaganda, Fear and Genocide
Between 1933 and 1939, about half of the German-Jewish population and more than two-thirds of Austrian Jews (1938-1939) fled Nazi persecution. Others stayed as they hadn’t the wherewithal to leave or they thought the situation temporary, but by 1939 it became too late. The citizenry had become so fearful that they bowed their heads and said not a word despite seeing the pervasive evil against their neighbors.
By Kelleigh Nelson
Anti-White Animus and Far-Left Loons Making the Military Into Monsters
The far-left makeover and zeitgeist that are uprooting the Historic American Nation seems to have found its locus, focus, and driving force in our now farcical military. The result of these attentions is the reduction of the military’s effectiveness and competence in performing its missions.
By Sidney Secular
The Origin of Covid-19---Updated, Part 11
When I asked a physician friend who has treated 1000 Covid-19 patients how Omicron occurred in South Africa at this time, he replied as follows: "The major problem was mass vaccinating into the teeth of a pandemic. Select vaccination campaigns targeting at risk populations (old people, those with co-morbidities associated with a worse outcome) would have been acceptable.
By Dr. Dennis Cuddy

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