Monday, January 10, 2022

JOSEPH GRISAFI JR WRITES - 'The Programming is complete'

 The Programming is complete

As I sit here watching others at their table I can only think that the programming is complete.

Every table has a husband and wife or boy/girl friends or business associates and other combinations. Every table has some wearing the mask and some not. Is the air different on one side of the table versus the other? Does one believe there’s a virus and the other does not? For some, there is no virus when sitting at the table - thus no mask. Yet, when they leave their table all the masks go on.

They have all been PROGRAMMED.

They don’t think about the mask anymore. It’s just something to be done. No thinking required. Does the mask help? Do I still need to wear it? Well yes. If you watch the propaganda on TV every day it’s still drilled into you. So no thinking required.

Then there are those that are half-ass; cover mouth, not nose. Take a bite or sip, put mask back on. Mask off, bite and / or sip, mask back on. The sad part of all this is that there are many, and I mean most, doing this. But, like me, there are those that no mask is required at all – the few – the proud – the resistance.

As I sit here wondering, I shake my head thinking; “No wonder we are in our current situation.” The majority of citizens in America are so easy to train. Human behavior is so easy to program…..and sadly it’s the majority.

FEAR – FEAR – FEAR…………………….

I want to believe that many are intelligent people but gripped by FEAR.

A few days ago I went to U-Haul to purchase some boxes. Stood in line whipped out my cash and then was told “card only”. They would not accept my cash. Why? I asked. They told me it has germs.  I went a few days earlier for boxes and had no problem…cash okay. But it’s not acceptable now. Employees were not wearing a mask or gloves. Now here’s a thought: The keyboard on their computer has germs. The countertop has germs. Door knobs have germs. Germs are everywhere. But the germs on my cash……now that’s bad. Are the germs on my cash different than my card?

Again, more non-thinking people too lazy to think. PROGRAMMED.

A few days ago on my way home I passed many virus testing stations set up in parking lots. I couldn’t believe the lines. All the stations had long lines. It made me do a double take. I thought WTF.

Again, more non-thinking people too lazy to think. PROGRAMMED.

Based on what I’ve witnessed and heard during the past two years, I believe I can see and understand why America is a decline. It’s taken many decades to get here but here we are. It has taken all this time to rewrite, change, revamp, alter, modify, convert, and make new, all our laws through “INCREMENTALISM”, for the fall to happen. And the people through their ignorance and / or stupidity let it happen. Human behavior is so easy to program. Induce FEAR into the equation.

What I hate most is that I’m witnessing the decline and fall during my life-time. And it hurts.


The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

1.      From bondage to spiritual faith

2.      From spiritual faith to great courage

3.      From courage to liberty

4.      From liberty to abundance

5.      From abundance to complacency

6.      From complacency to apathy

7.      From apathy to dependence

8.      From dependence back to bondage

It is believed that today we reside somewhere between complacency and apathy.

The world I grew up in no longer exists. I grew up in a large Italian family. My grandparents came over from Sicily in the early 1900’s. My dad was one of ten, first American born generation and mom was one of eight. Dozens of cousins - and every Christmas time it was one big party. We got together and celebrated every holiday, birthday, and anniversary. We Italians knew how to party. The past is gone but the memories will remain with me. But for me, growing up in the 50’s and 60’s was great. Sure, it had its moments but I cherished my “Leave it to Beaver” life, as my wife calls it. Now the reality sets in.

The world and our country are changing and have been changing, drastically, for the past few decades. The programming began way back and has now reached a level I wish never came.

The programming is complete. The majority has relinquished our country. I have said many times, I’m waiting for the spark to ignite the fire within us. What will that spark be and when will it happen? Yes, the 50’s and 60’s are gone, but my country is still here and I’m ready to fight - I want it back before I leave this earth.


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