Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Biden Mercilessly Mocked Over Goofy 'Fake Oval Office' and 'Playskool

 Submitted by: Jackie Juntti

Why should anyone be surprised at the FALSE WH SET -  this entire staged show has been being played out for a long time.  Some VERY interesting remarks on the web page - like he doesn't go into the WH Oval Office as it would lean towards treason.  The comments are interesting to read over - as is this article.

Jackie Juntti






Biden Mercilessly Mocked Over Goofy 'Fake Oval Office' and 'Playskool


AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

Let’s play a quick game of “What if?” to kick off the festivities, shall we?


First, you almost have to hand it to Basement Joe™ and his terrified handlers, as the latter desperately continue to try to shield the former from reality and real-life at every opportunity — real and concocted. I get it. The mumbling dude hardly instills confidence in the American people. But here’s the thing:


What if Donald Trump as president would have given fake Oval Office speeches from a TV studio across the street from the White House? What would have been the reaction on CNN and MSNBC? From the Washington Post and The New York Times? And the geniuses of “The View”?

Even worse, what would have been the reaction from “all of the above” if Trump’s fake windows showed a different fake Rose Garden scene during virtually every fake video? Let alone what would have been the reaction of really crazy Trump-loathing left-wing clickbait media? All rhetorical questions, of course.

Former Trump Communications Director Tim Murtaugh, on Monday, also wanted to know the scoop behind Biden’s fake windows.

Has there been an explanation for why they built a fake White House set for Biden across the street from the real White House? The other day there were shipping containers outside the window. Today it’s a winter wonderland. Just bizarre and phony.


Yes, Tim — but there’s an explanation for that winter wonderland.
********************snipped********** go to the URL above for the entire report

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