Friday, December 10, 2021



Charlottesville: Lessons in Leftist Sadism and Media Dishonesty
No one thinks it possible to extract $26 million from these Enemies of the Woke America. But Kaplan’s sadistic effort might make it impossible for them to ever again pursue normal lives— in the U.S., anyway. Another purpose of lawfare is to create an ambience of intimidation and fear-based self-censorship to silence future political dissent.
By Steven Yates
TOP Reasons why Patriots are Losing
To be certain, America has literally millions of true “patriots,” although I don’t think most of them are cut from the same cloth as the patriots who came before us. The Patrick Henry and George Washington type of patriots may indeed, be a thing of the past. Those patriots were willing to give up everything to secure freedom and liberty, not just for themselves, but for all of us.
By Lex Greene
294 - Congressional Term Limits
For those of you who are still convinced that term limits are the answer, a quick look at Mr. Burchett’s proposed amendment reveals that someone can still serve 18 or more years in Congress, six years in the House, and twelve in the Senate. If we want more churn in Congress, then We the People need to start voting that way, not sit back and wait for a constitutional amendment to tell us to do so.
By Paul Engel

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