Thursday, November 18, 2021


 Subject: Quantum Shift 11/16/2021

1) We are plant based creatures which can heal themselves and that's where medicine is headed. Our Lymph Glands are now processing Chemtrails out of our bodies due to the chemical spraying of the antedotes. Jabbers need to remove the Graphene Oxide from their bodies by eating plant based foods and using humic acid. When this all comes out, the Jabbers will be fighting mad and it might get ugly. Next week Dr Mugzzi is going to show us how to regrow teeth ourselves. Red Light therapy works also.
2) When Gesara was being set up, the deep state wanted a clause to state that they did not have to pay back the monies that they pilfered from the populace. Didn't work.
3) 800 numbers were deep state schemes.
4) Some McDonalds are closing because of the decline of human meat for their products. Starbucks is to be shutdown also. Stop eating pork. It contains parasites.
5) Christmas should be moved to January 7th because December 25th is a BA'AL worship celebration.
6) TETHER has been keeping Bitcoin afloat but not for long. XRP will lead the pack and could reach $22,500 a share.
Humans are naturally plant-eaters according to the best evidence  -- by Michael Bluejay
* First published June 2002 * Updated December 2015
A fair look at the evidence shows that humans are optimized for eating mostly or exclusively plant foods, according to the best evidence: our bodies.  We're most similar to other plant-eaters, and drastically different from carnivores and true omnivores.1,2,3  Those who insist that humans are omnivores, especially if their argument is based on canine teeth, would do well to look at what the evidence actually shows.
tumblr -- Understanding Dark Entities & Energies -- November 18, 2021
We have the opportunity and a choice to heal and be cleared from dark energies and entities that have been in our bloodline, DNA, and our family.. ect . They can only stay in our reality if we do not seek to be set free from them, So choose to Create, that you no longer choose to be controlled by our past timelines or old energy signatures…. It’s time to Shift
The Paradigm Shift from To Cancer energy (Cancer North node)
Lower frequency/ vibrational behaviors and patterns are causing the collective consciousness and the planet to suffer it’s manifestations. We are not in Kansas anymore. Many things will be altered, and non existent in the near future. We must de-program ourselves from the social construct of society, that fits line a round peg, in a square hole. We Have to Shift With the Planetary Energies to evolve beloved πŸ•‰ P. S. Zodiac archetypes because of the planets at are changing. You are infinite, beyond definition of social constructs.

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