Wednesday, November 17, 2021


 The Bertrand Report (USA) 

Your Mission On Earth is To Believe In Yourself and Resist Tyranny At All Cost.....Training Video

Friends and Associates:

We are being guided, enlightened, and inspired by spiritual identities we cannot see, be it from the God realm, or by a "Galactic Force" watching earth deteriorate, but at the same earth that is ascending into the "5th Dimensional Frequency Vibration," but merging with the 3rd Dimension. 

Half the humans on earth are clinging to the 3rd Dimension and it's extremely obvious.... 

Family, friends, daughters and sons are turning on each other, more than anytime in our lifetime. It's NOT just political viewpoints causing opposition....but is a dynamic supernatural force of good versus evil, a frequency vibration at odds.

The video below gives a perfect assessment of what those vibrational frequencies are and how and why humans have become very divided as evil wraps the planet in-order to destroy humans and the methods thereof.

This video is the best explanation as to how the bio-weapon forced upon ALL HUMANS is the means to (our) END.

For those that cannot raise their own awareness, or the ability to look inside themselves, or simply realize what is happening, are the ones that will fall in the END. Taking the jab out-of-fear, or to "fit-in" with those at lower frequency levels, will eventually realize their fate.

It's your job to awaken them from their stupor.

The time to wake-up is now.....

---Dave Bertrand

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