Thursday, September 2, 2021

We HAVE been SET UP- Informative Analysis (VIDEO'S).

 Submitted by: Craig Maus

Permission to Forward:


WHY are the DEMONrats so cock-sure of themselves more than seemingly uncaring about ANY of their actions despite the 2022 election that is fast approaching?

The ‘calculus’ for their indifference is EXPLAINED in the Video above.


We suggest YOU take heed of its contents as it is a Confirmation of what we have been warning YOU about as to what has been in the making and planning for decades.

The FACTS contained within this Video MORE than explain the ‘Rationale’ of these Evil Bastards and what they hope on finalizing/securing for themselves resulting from that which they, the DEMONrats, have conspired to create.


Some may recall election eve this last November just before ‘The Lights Went Out’, so to speak, in four of the major ‘swing states’ in which President Trump was way ahead in Each.


For those of YOU who stayed up afterwards, if YOU recall,

BIDEN appeared at approximately 1:15 AM in a parking lot somewhere in Delaware.


He spoke for just a few minutes but more than ASSURED HIS FOLLOWERS that there was “NOTHING to WORRY about”!


For anyone watching, his ASSURANCE reflected a Level of Confidence & Awareness more than ‘suggesting’ that he knew what was ‘coming’.

It was a Literal GUARANTEE!


And much to the surprise of over 75 million Trump Voters come the next morning,

so too did we find out what he meant when ‘The Lights Came Back On’

and why he was so obviously CONFIDENT in his ‘Prediction’ just hours earlier.


The DEMONrat Party is EVIL.

They are a TWISTED LOT who do NOT resemble nor represent in ANY WAY ANY AMERICAN IDEAL WHATSOEVER!

In fact, they DESPISE America because its Basis REPRESENTS EVERYTHING THEY ARE NOT!


Biden and his entire ILK of followers are

DESTROYING AMERICA in FULL VIEW & REAL TIME as they refer to it as.


BIDEN asked former Afghan President Ghani to change

“The PERCEPTION of the War”

(see Reuters Explosive reveal below)

while LYING to Every American & saying Otherwise.


Further, as we have discovered, Private ‘Sources’ had 3-Commercial Jet Airliners at the ready to take out American Citizens who were

At the GATES showing our Troops Their American Pass-Ports and begging to be let through but…

BIDEN’S STATE & DEFENSE Departments gave our Troops direct orders NOT TO DO SO!


Those Jets took OFF EMPTY and this DEMONrat in Chief then had the temerity to tell us that

“His Actions were a Resounding Success!”


He is a Contemptable Liar as is his Entire Cabinet & most of that ‘Party’ including his TV Pretend Generals

who aren’t worth a plug nickel.


Their level of CONTEMPT for America and US couldn’t be any plainer than the nose on YOUR face!


The DEMONrat Party, again, is as Dark and EVIL as anything we have ever known.

To say They are The Enemy from Within is a Gross UNDERSTATEMENT.


These People are looking to Seal Their Exploitation of US in one fell swoop!

The majority of them should be arrested at once and charged with the Crimes they have committed and gotten away with for Decades.


“The very thought of losing is HATEFUL to AMERICANS!”- See Above.


Some of us once understood this but apparently the bastardly coward in charge could give a rats behind less.

In the 2nd clip above (Pfy8), listen to & watch what the real General George Patton had to say in 1945… although it is my humble opinion

that George C. Scott did a spectacular & stellar job in representing him and speaking his very words in the film.


Today an American ‘President’ and his arm-chair ‘Generals’ knowingly left Americans & Allies behind.

In this Confederates mind that is tantamount to Blasphemy!


At ANY OTHER TIME in Our History, Men like these who did this to their own people….




There was NO TOLERANCE for Conduct such as this-




It IS OUR ONLY HOPE for US & that of Our REPUBLIC’S!


Deo Vindice!


Craig Maus,

President, The Confederate Society of America


Betsey Ross sewing the American Flag.


When Once We Knew Who We Were…..





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