Tuesday, September 28, 2021



Mike Pence, a History of Treachery and Betrayal
Pence and his wife Karen have always wanted the presidency, but what he doesn’t understand is the fact that he followed the advice of his good friends from Congress, Paul Ryan and Jeff Flake, rather than standing with the man who gave him the chance to one day lead the country. Pence is our 21st Century Benedict Arnold...he stabbed the president in the back and the Republic in the heart.
By Kelleigh Nelson
E Pluribus Unum2021 - Out of Many, ONE!
We have reached a moment in history when 100% of federal democrats are anti-American, and two-thirds of republicans are too! The people can stop the tyranny any time they want, but they will have to unite in one voice, one people, to do it.
By Lex Greene
Trump 2024?
Personally, I’m not a fan of any politician and today, I know that 100% of the Democrat Party is anti-American, while two-thirds of the Republican Party is as well. Still, I also know that politics is a team sport, which means, if you don’t play the game on one of the two national teams, you’re not even in the game.
By JB Williams

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