Wednesday, September 1, 2021

20 Reasons NOT to have health insurance. And: Questions to ask your cancer doctor before you sign on the dotted line.

 Submitted by: Cheryl Battles


Beware the Allopaths!



Flesh for Frankenstein Poster



This link is to Naturopath Dr. Peter Glidden – who is urging us all to step back and not be bamboozled into succumbing to Dr. Frankenstein ‘treatments’ that will only worsen things for us when it comes to treating cancer and other illnesses.    Dr. Glidden is trying to tell us here that there are other options – don’t be bullied or shamed into taking on any doctor and his Frankenstein mis-treatments.    Make sure you consider ALL your options.   As Dr. Glidden points out:  “Allopathic doctors cannot even heal indigestion, so why should anyone be in any hurry to trust them with a blank check and a knife and radioactive poisons to treat cancer?”


Your time and health decisions will no longer be yours to freely make, once you get health insurance, or even if you allow yourself to be ‘insured’ by charity, by the taxpayer.   Health insurance will usually only pay for Dr. Frankenstein’s deadly allopathic medical treatments.   Naturopaths are excluded from the mix.  And since ‘healthcare’ is such a big business, the sicker we all are and the more of us there are that are sick, the bigger the take for this monstrous industry (that runs into the trillion$).   Doctors are the biggest cause of death we have! 


And it’s not like we get any choices!   Poisonous, useless drugs and surgery don’t sound like anything I want to be part of; nor MRIs, nor any of the other Frankenstein technologies in torture that are not healing or helping anyone.       


Dead Doctor's Don't Lie by Dr Joel Wallach Official ... - YouTube › watch

▶ 1:40:30

May 31, 2018 - Uploaded by MindBodyOne Club

I mean after 14 years of medical school doctors can't even tell if you're alive or dead that makes me nervous ...


People can be hauled off the street and put into hospitals and then sent a big bill and maybe even lose their home, over ‘allopathic treatments’ they didn’t want or need or ask for.   The temptation to grab ‘suckers’ into the system and run up a bill into the bottomless pit of healthcare insurance money is more than these medical Frankenstein doctors can resist.     


Yes.  That’s the reason why animals get better healthcare than people – because there is no health insurance for animals, as Dr. Wallach points out:   so the incentive is to give animals the food and care they need to stay healthy.  But for humans:  the taxpayer-funded ‘healthcare funds’ are a bottomless pit and corrupting incentive to the big health(un)care busine$$.  


Do we hear about people being greatly healed for anything?   No.   All we ever hear of is how people are suffering and dying at the hands of  Dr. Frankensteins as they rake in the money for their useless and torturous services.  


So maybe it’s time to take a second look at the whole operation (pun intended).


As to cancer:   How did the cancer get there in the first place?   If we knew, we could try another way to undo the cancer, because Big Medicine and Big Pharma really have no answers or solutions.   That’s just the truth of it, and it’s time for people to stop trusting in insurance to save their lives, since insurance is nothing more than fuel to the fire that feeds Frankenstein medicine that kills, and turns men and women who were once aspiring to be healers into killers greedy for money.


The first link above is really important – it’s to a playlist -- to Dr. Peter Glidden, who is a naturopath, and he is as disgusted and outraged at the medical system as I am!   If you listen, it can save your life and that of your family and friends.   The real doctors get ‘off’d’ – because medicine is a big gangster scam, making trillion$ for the sell-out doctors.   So the real doctors have to flee the country, or get off’d (ie murdered) … or just excluded from the big healthcare insurance scam as not being ‘real doctors’ if they have any other approach to health such as nutrition or anything that doesn’t involve Big Pharma’s worse-than-useless deadly drugs.


All you people who are forking out hundred$ each month for so-called ‘health insurance’ are making a big mistake to put your faith into such a corrupt and worse-than-useless ‘service’ as Big Allopathic Medicine and Pharma.   Doctors are greedy and corrupt, and they may have started out wanting to be healers, but the system corrupts them, and turns them into something else completely.   I run away from all of them.   When I had my second daughter, I realized very quickly how dangerous the doctors were, and even tho I went to a Catholic hospital for prenatal, Dr. Frankensteins are everywhere including in the Catholic hospitals, and he wanted to stick a big needle in my womb to ‘check on’ my baby.   I said, “What if you find something wrong in there?   What can you do about it?”   He said nothing but abortion, and I said I would never do that, but he would not take no for an answer and kept insisting.  I left that hospital and I cussed that damned doctor out.  Really, what a world we live in!   I was 42 when I had my second daughter, and she was born perfect, a really pretty baby, but the stupid doctors all just ‘assumed’ she was mongoloid when she was born, and even sent up a ‘support’ lady so I could join a group of mongoloid parents.    This is true.   I’m not making it up.


As for me, I would never, ever put my life in the hands of an allopathic doctor for anything more than setting a bone or stitching me up if I got in a car accident.   And since my car insurance would pay for the doctor bills, who needs so-called ‘health insurance?’    But what’s worse, with all this ‘insurance’ it makes us all walking invitations to the System to kidnap us and force their ‘services’ upon us, and then collect.   I’m sick and tired of forced healthcare.   I don’t need it, don’t want it.  




Even if it’s FREE!!!

By Cab McCann


Image result for health insurance scam, image


1.     Health insurance, so-called, is just another government tax scam:  outrageously expensive, dangerous to your health and your life,  and worse than useless.    Spend the money on a vacation or a new house, some classes or something that will actually bring you some pleasure or benefit.


2.     Most injuries are related to automobile accidents and are already covered by auto insurance.


3.     If you have health insurance and make the mistake of going to a hospital, or even that someone else might take you there against your will, the fact that you have ‘health insurance’ makes you a ‘covered life’ … and opens the door for the Medical Industrial Complex to perform all kinds of dangerous and unnecessary procedures on you that can cause you to experience great torture, maiming, shortening of your life, or even and especially death as a result.  If you have insurance, that means the insurance company ‘owns you.’   Your doctor will answer to the insurance company, NOT TO YOU.  And you will be treated as one of the Insurance Company assets.  There is no guarantee that whatever treatments are given you are really necessary or in your best interest and you will have no say.   If you have no health insurance, then you are the boss, and you hold the cards, and now you can inform the doctor that if you die the doctor doesn’t get paid.  


4.     Having health insurance can open the door to dangerous drugs and treatments that will kill you, and result in the insurance company refusing to pay for some of the expensive treatments.   Your estate will be liable for those costs, ahead of your heirs.  Do not sign papers promising to pay anything in the hospital, don’t assume you are ‘covered.’  Why trust an insurance company to decide arbitrarily what they will or will not pay for and agree to pay the difference?   People do not realize what a total scam (WORSE than a scam) health insurance is!


5.     Doctors are in effect given a ‘license to kill’ by the System.   If they kill you by their ‘medical treatment’ they are not liable for malpractice or manslaughter --  as long as these Medical Industrial Complex doctors go by the System’s Standard of Care  as dictated and issued by the insurance companies.   Most important fact to know:  These Standard of Care procedures kill a couple million Americans every single year – meaning, that if people had not been subjected to these standard-of-care ‘treatments’ they would still be alive.


6.      Hospitals are, statistically, the most dangerous place to be and it is always best to avoid them if at all possible.  


7.      If you spend the money you will save on health insurance on fresh whole food and clean water instead, you likely won’t need a doctor.


8.      Most cuts and wounds and even bone breaks can be treated at home with a splint you can buy at the drug store.  It’s not true that doctors ‘set bones.’  The bone grow together by themselves.  Bad fractures and traumatic injuries do require trauma-care by doctors, but most of this is paid for by car insurance we already are paying for, and even if we don’t have insurance the system will still give emergency care. 


9.      Modern medicine has no cures.    That is:  NO CURES.   None.   The Medical Industrial Complex offers only TREATMENTS, and most treatments just make things worse, or just kill you outright.  Every year the Medical Industrial Complex kills a couple million people, who would still be alive if they had just stayed away from the doctor.


10.                        Modern medicine tests are not accurate, and cause serious complications in themselves, and lead to needless surgeries and dangerous drug treatments based on many false positives.  Injecting dyes into the bloodstream and vibrating them at high speed to try to catch a shadow is not a healthy thing to do for your body.  Nor are colonoscopies healthy, and are full of nasty germs from other sick people. 


11.                        Most cancer comes and goes like the common cold, and it’s better to not know of the many little cancers that grow in everybody’s body.  It’s better not to be put under a ‘cancer hex’ by some suspicious shadow on a MRI that ends in a scary diagnosis by a doctor acting as a cog in the medical machine.  Because of the power of suggestion, it is entirely possible to get sick and die just because a doctor tells you that you have cancer.   It’s a literal hex, and that is the power of the mind on the body.


12.                        Most cancer gets isolated in many little tumors in the body.   It is very rare to do an autopsy on anyone where many cancerous tumors are not discovered throughout the body.


13.                        Cancer treatments are far more dangerous than any little tumor, and by getting biopsies you will spread the cancer cells all through your body.


14.                        Most disease is caused by bad diet or lack of fresh air, or exposure to toxins in the air or the water.   Or by chronic stress.   By dealing with the root causes, a person can live to be 90 without ever having to see a doctor.


15.                        Prenatal exams are totally useless and can be dangerous to your baby.   Home births are quicker and easier and much safer.   Doctors are knife-happy and love to do C sections.  There is not one thing a doctor can do to help a pregnancy advance normally.   Amniocentesis is dangerous to the baby and can trigger an abortion.  Furthermore, doctors love to diagnose babies with mongolism and recommend abortion, but most of these babies are perfect, so 10 wanted and perfect babies are aborted for every ‘defective’ child.  The placentas and amnio fluids are sold for treatment for people with bad knees, and all kinds of Frankensteinian treatments for people who can afford them.  The Medical Industrial Complex is Big Business on steroids.  Most families with mongoloid children will tell you their children are a true blessing from God.


16.                        The best doctors are alternative doctors such as chiropractors and naturopaths – but most insurance won’t pay for these doctors and would limit and control their practice anyway.   But if you are not paying for health “insurance” (which there is no such thing as to insure your own health) … if you are not spending all that outrageous cost for health insuranceyou can easily afford to pay out of pocket for a good chiropractor, naturopath, or homeopathic healer.  Not to mention to get a water purifier, and to put the money you save toward whole foods, not processed, not sprayed, not denatured.  Plus, you will be your own person, not subject to demands by doctors to show up for testings, to strip down, to take poison vaccines you don’t agree with, or pop pills that are dangerous and ineffective, without benefits to anybody’s health whatsoever.   Whose body is it anyway?   Yours?  Or do you want to be “owned” by an insurance company as a ‘covered life.’  


17.                        Most modern allopathic medicines are dangerous and ineffective.   There are much better ways to handle disease or illness with natural remedies that actually do work and do provide real cures.   Allopathic “medicines”  offer only possible (not guaranteed) symptomatic relief for a short time, and the complications that go with the symptom relief for the original conditions are far worse, far more serious and even life-threatening than the original condition would warrant.  A case in point is an HIV diagnosis that is commonly slapped on people these days who are hospitalized for things like pneumonia and 100 other common illnesses that share a common antibody that is tested for since nobody has ever seen or cultured HIV virus.  Doctors are ordered not to diagnose any white, suburban married women with HIV, because they know there are many husbands who would track down such a diagnosis and expose the scam.   HIV is an imaginary illness, one of many.  AIDS is a real condition, especially in the homosexual community, due to abuse to the body and overuse of antibiotics.  It is the prescribed drugs given for HIV-AIDS that actually kill people who are not living the self-destructive homosexual lifestyle.   Another example is insulin therapy given to diabetics.   Most diabetics die from their insulin injections, and if they were to control their blood sugar by diet they would be healthier and live longer.


18.                        Heart conditions are not improved by surgery, stents, or drugs.  To the contrary.  Cholesterol does not cause heart attacks, but rather prevents them.    Heart blockages are caused by too much calcium in the diet and not enough vitamin K, so that the calcium is not put into the bones and teeth as it should be but ends up in the blood vessels, kidneys, and gall bladder.   Staying hydrated, eating enough fiber, and making sure the colon is emptied at least once a day will do wonders for good health and longevity.


19.                         Modern medicine is willfully ignorant of causes of sickness and disease … always pleading ignorance as though causes of sickness are mysteries which can never be known.    Instead, all disease is treated by allopathic medics as an alien enemy that must be poisoned or cut out, and the body itself is treated as a giant germ factory or tumor-producing entity that must be irradiated and decontaminated with strong chemicals.   This works out great for the petrochemical industry and all their synthetic poisons, and for the chemical industry who comes up with poor copies of what is found all around us in nature, and for the surgeons who can charge big bucks for every one of their mostly useless/harmful/dangerous surgeries.


20.                        Instead of working with the body and its natural functions and ability to heal itself, modern medicine attacks the body as being the enemy, and proudly boasts that modern medicine is here to, literally,  “fix what God didn’t get right.”



Are you as tired of hearing about healthcare, healthcare, healthcare as I am?  There’s no health that I can see coming from the Medical Industrial Complex.   Just lots of really nasty drugs with lots of deadly side effects, and other Frankenstein treatments that torture and maim and hasten death.   I see nothing spoken of about clean water, fresh air, wholesome food (not grown through weedkiller), or other natural healing methods like herbs.   Why are the American people being railroaded into the Medical Industrial Complex, with no other choices?  There are many cures, and many natural ways to restore and maintain good health.   The whole health insurance scam is just another tax to suck up more money for organized crime, AKA as the American government.

Image result for medical industrial complex, picAlso:  why are all the healers who find cures being murdered?   Why is this allowed to happen?  This is outrageous.   Is the FBI being put on these cases?  Why are they all being written off as suicides, when they are obviously not any such thing!  Why should the taxpayer have to support this Medical Industrial Complex on top of the Military Industrial Complex, and all the other scams and schemes the politicians have cooked up to weaken and impoverish the people, and put us all in an early grave.   


What kind of government would spend so much money for hollow point bullets to use on its own people?   And FEMA camps disguised as abandoned Walmarts.  What kind of government is this and who does it really  represent?   Why do  politicians fail to  even mention all the autistic children, the poisoned food and water?   Why are they buying all those big coffins and sticking them under our noses?  To frighten and intimidate us?  Donald Trump, why didn’t you say one word about any of these things when you were campaigning for POTUS?

All of you corporates need to go away, and we can do better with no government at all, than a government like we have now.  We can do better without your so-called ‘health insurance’ and your so-called military ‘defense,’ and I for one don’t think you  are interested in protecting either my health or in protecting my safety from foreign enemies.    Whether it’s Trump or Hillary or Obomber, or any of the corporate VP characters you International Jewish Banksters choose as your surrogates to rule us  – we don’t like any of you money junkies.   Or at least I don’t and I know others that feel the same as I do. 

Health Insurance – what a joke.  We need for this whole Medical Industrial Complex to just pack up their poisons and their Frankenstein ‘treatments’ and just go away.   The pharma companies need to be shut down; scrap this whole idea of putting everyone into some program designed to get all of us swallowing fistfulls of pharma poisons.   Big Pharma has ruined a whole generation of children with its nasty vaccines and amphetamine drugs for children, not to mention the thousands of other expensive poisons that have so many side effects it makes the original sickness seem like nothing.  My own neighborhood is overrun with drug addicts who ran to the doctors for their aches and pains and were put on addicting narcotics, and then refused scripts after a few months.  What a self-destructive society we live in!

If we didn’t have a government sponsored  pharmaceutical industry and the rest of the Big Medicine scam, people would be taking care of themselves, and there would be private healers using herbs and  diet and all kinds of wonderful cures, things that the current true healers are being murdered for.   Not one word was said in this stupid election about all the kids with autism and the terrible health we are getting in exchange for all this money we’re being forced to pay for what our rulers call ‘health care.”   The people would be better off to pay the government  to make the Medical Industrial Complex just GO AWAY.   It’s not helping anybody.   It’s killing at least two million American people every single year!!! All we heard about was that Trump was going to try to keep the premiums down.   Premiums for what!  For the ‘privilege’ of being one of the 2 million suckers who get murdered by the scam medical system every single year?

I am uneasy and concerned that President Trump just wants to get in on the pay-for-play gravy train, same as Hillary and Bill, Obama and Bush Sr. and Junior did.  Trump is definitely a man who loves money, attention and power.    The government attracts so many greedy scammers, who never get enough money and power to satisfy themselves.   I am already regretting having voted for Donald Trump, and I feel uneasy, ashamed and embarrassed.   I wanted to believe, and I still hope somehow that I did not deceive myself.   If I did, then I deserve what I get as a result.  The world is depending on the American people to rein in their government.   I still hope that somehow Donald Trump has higher yearnings, higher even than his love of money and power.  That he has a desire to please his Creator and to preserve his own soul into eternity.

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