Thursday, August 12, 2021

Trying to Salvage What Remains and Win Our Country Back in its Entirety

 Submitted by: Joseph Grisafi Jr

Trying to Salvage What Remains and Win Our Country Back in its Entirety

Here’s a list of problems, issues, and what-have-you:

1.       Gender Ideology

2.       CRT

3.       AMA – Sex designation on birth certificates

4.       The influx of illegal immigrants. Many border towns are in chaos.

5.       Books used in schools are pornographic.

6.       The virus and all the variants (Delta)

7.       Companies mandating masks and vaccine.

8.       Biden and Harris

9.       Schummer – Cuomo – DiBlasio and more

10.   Restaurant mandates

11.   FDA

12.   CDC

13.   FBI

14.   DOJ

15.   Tax us for every mile driven.

16.   Criminalizing private gun sales

17.   Total gun control

18.   Background checks

19.   Our medical industry is in shambles.

20.   Transgenders – gender is being erased.

21.   Rule of law held hostage.

22.   Our military is screwed up.

23.   Sex trafficking.

24.   Drugs

25.   Planned Parenthood and abortion

26.   Socialism / Communism is everywhere

27.   Ranchers and Farmers under attack

28.   Too many cow farts

29.   Too much red meat

30.   Land grab

31.   Christianity under attack – too much Satan and not enough God.

32.   Chem trails

33.   Too much FEAR.

34.   Middle class going, going, gone.

35.   Green New Deal.

36.   Agenda 21 or whatever they call it today.

37.   Climate change / global warming

38.   Internment camps.

39.   Books gone – Harry Potter, Huckleberry Finn, To Kill a Mockingbird, Dr. Seuss and many more.

40.    Personally, the organizations I belong to have gone PC – American Legion – American Radio Relay League (Ham Radio). Worthless reading magazines.

41.   Our means of transportation is going, going, gone.

This list is nowhere near complete. Each one is continuing and accelerating.

There is not one concerted effort to get our country back. We are individuals fighting our own battles, Fighting our own individual issues and / or problems. We are PIECEMEALING our way through trying; hoping to salvage what is left of our country. It appears that this is the only plan – plan A on the drawing board. No B or C if A falters.

I’ve had some complaining about my bitching and griping and get this; demand that I come up with the solutions. Yes, I have written previous emails with some suggestions but I don’t file away every email I write. But someone demanded that I produce those emails.

I am not the “answer man” and don’t claim to be. This problem we are fighting is bigger than one person. For those that complained to me, why didn’t THEY COME UP WITH SOME SOLUTIONS? Could it be because THEY don’t have any? Yet they ask (demand) that I produce the solutions. I’ve given some input in the past.

1.       I suggested flyers. I made some and sent them out. I received no responses.

2.       I suggested we need LEADERS. Not generals and admirals that write letters. No responses. Has anyone approached these generals and admirals?

3.       I suggested the militia. I know some are members but nothing has come of it. Some didn’t like this because they prefer we negotiate a peace.

4.       I suggested the military that surrounded the capitol after the swearing-in of Biden. A Coup D’etat. Another lost opportunity. Some still felt we should negotiate a peace.

But I heard nothing. And apparently no one read anything. So what do these people do? NOTHING.

“Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns. Why should we let them have ideas?” Joseph Stalin

A history lesson:

Some 2000 years ago Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus, the famous Roman tribune, saw deep flaws in what the Roman republic had become and embarked on an effort of aggressive societal reform starting with redistributing land from the corrupt elite back to the people. His aim was to give ordinary “deplorable” Romans more access to the fruits of the burgeoning empire.

For his trouble Gracchus was beaten to death in the street. And when his brother Gaius attempted a similarly aggressive reform as tribune 10 years later, he was hounded from power by a mob ginned up by the elites and ultimately committed suicide.

There were no consequences for the Roman elites for what was done to the Gracchus brothers - None. And without any consequences, the corruption in Rome only grew – so much so that the republic died a few decades later, replaced by an empire run by a succession of more and more depraved dictators.

Everyone saw it coming, but no one did anything to stop the corruption. Corruption without consequences and an unfettered elite that no longer represented the virtues of the republic, but rather its vices, led to the decline of Rome and its devolution into a wicked, depraved, tyrannical society destined for the ash heap of history. And we are where the Romans were when the reform-minded Gracchus brothers were hounded out of Roman politics.

In the last century, there was a phrase for this which described the march of communism through the Third World: one man, one vote…one time. Another way to say this is that you might vote your way into socialism, but you’ll have to shoot your way out.

How many do you know suffered any consequences for what they did? Did Hilary, or Obama, or Clinton? Can you name one? Can you name anyone from the 2020 election or the 1960 election or the 2000 election? The left won’t stop because there are no consequences.

Currently, we have no means to impose the kinds of consequences to the corruption in our midst.

We can attack those individual corporate and cultural purveyors as we are trying now. But what have we done? What have we accomplished? Facebook, Twitter, Disney, Coca-Cola and many others see no consequences so they are free to do as they please. CBS, NBC, and ABC control the boob tube. These guys are also starting to control other stations. Many CBS ads are now on Ch. 39 and 49. They are trying to take total control of all stations. Who’s stopping them? There are laws against this but nothing is happening.

What we have right now are individuals or small groups fighting their own battle. It could be election fraud, the virus, Fauci, Biden who doesn’t know what day it is, gun control, climate change, etc. We could win a battle here or one there. For every win the left counter-attacks with another tax bill and/or gun bill and/or climate act.

How we live, how we breathe, our means of existence is going, gone.

We may win a battle but they control the war. 

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