Sunday, August 29, 2021



As Afghanistan fell, Gen. Milley preoccupied with white supremacy - Fire Him!

13 American families will never be the same. It didn't have to be this way.

There is blood on the hands of every American leader who was part of this failed operation.

But above all General Milley needs to be held accountable. 

He is directly responsible for these deaths.

He spent 7 months ignoring his duties and focusing on weaponizing conservative beliefs and ridding the military of Trump supporters. 

Think about it. In 7 months General Milley never once talked about ISIS-K being a threat to Americans.

He doubted the Taliban had the ability to take over Afghanistan even as intelligence showed the opposite.

He simply lied to the American people because he wanted to be in the good graces of CNN, MSNBC and the leftist politicians who make the most noise.

This is General Milley. On the morning of the terrorist attack he sent top ranking military leaders to lead a ceremony for "women's equality and diversity" at the exact same time his troops were being killed by ISIS. 

Now days after ISIS-K killed 13 US soldiers General Milley won't show his face.

How can he keep his job when it's obvious to every American General Milley betrayed his soldiers, our nation and his duty.

He must go now!

Click to Sign the Petition: Fire General Milley! Then watch video of Afghan Combat Vet and Senate candidate Sean Parnell react to Biden and Milley's disaster!

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