Thursday, August 19, 2021

NWO- Who IS REALLY running the US Government?

 Sharing your communique ‘T’ (below) w/All bcc herein w/Permission to Forward:


‘Yesterday (s)’ everything was a ‘Conspiracy Theory’.

TODAY, ALL those Conspiracy Theories have become REALITY.


The America we once all knew is NO MORE!

Chaos Reigns and any assemblage of Structure has been purposely ERASED.


Washington, DC likewise, is now an assemblage of the Rich & Famous

and the Majority in that rancid capital are mostly



Given the apparent & glaring ineptitude of Biden, Harris and their Marxist DemonRats who control

THEIR Senate & Their House

who APPLAUD ‘Biden’s actions’ as being unquestionably sacrosanct & the epitome of




In other words Folks, they are LYING to us ALL with a clarion IMPUNITY and this raises

the simple question of:



cause it sure as hell AIN’T US!


Given any other time in American History

and these people, et al, would have been justifiably charged

with TREASON given the many Federal Laws they have abridged & broken

and Biden & Harris would have been brought to bear charged with Justifiable Letters of


But NOT a peep from the RINO’s in Government other than…. ‘hoping’ for 2022.


Yet the DEMONrats would bring letters of IMPEACHMENT against President Trump

Not once but twice it what was a ‘Ceremony of Bull-Shit’

that would have at ANY OTHER TIME

In American History,

had these blatant MARXISTS ridden out of town on a rail or

justifiably charged with Crimes against the People and the Republic

with the penalty being….



But we are NO longer in charge Folks nor is our Government in Our Hands.

We have been set up in what is now an apparent

Step by Step ALTERATION of Our Government

By a ‘Body of Wizards’

Who have been engineering America’s Downfall

Methodically over many decades as

We Confederates have asserted.


The ENTIRE SYSTEM is now nothing but a Fabrication.

It’s 3- Branches of Government have ALL BEEN COMPROMISED

and the 4-Year’s that President Trump resided in which he was clearly a


have clearly proven ALL this to be



“Those People’ have been Revealed for Who & What they are.

They have cleverly Subverted Any & All SYSTEMS

that are now being used exclusively for THEIR SATISFACTION

and You, I, We have nothing left that is remotely akin to what existed

only months ago when it ALL was obviously in its last hours just prior to an


that “Those People” planned & engineered.


SEPARATION as we have Stated is Paramount.

SEPARATION is now every bit tantamount to Saving Ourselves at this Point.



WHO IS REALLY Running the U.S. Government?

Our Fate is NOW in Our Hands while we still hold the ‘Numbers’.



Deo Vindice,

Craig Maus,

President, The Confederate Society of America


Deo Vindice!







From: T
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2021 12:15 PM
To: Craig Maus
Subject: NWO


Let’s Look at the BIG Picture – The Entire World, all 194 Countries are currently involved in the Largest Election / Referendum the world ever saw. Making every Citizen of Every Country a Citizen of the Global Government, voting by making your entry on a Global Vaccine Registration Platform. Every Person that Registered for the Vaccine against Covid 19, Registered to be a Global Citizen in the ONE WORLD ORDER. Yes, by Registering and taking the Vaccine you voted for the Global Control of the New World order.
There will never again be real Party Elections across the World. The New World Order will take control as soon as 66.6 % of the World Population Registered for the Covid 19 Vaccine and received the Initiation Vaccines with Nanobot control measures using 5G and 6G Technology! Over 1.23 Billon of the World Population currently received full Vaccinations, Over 4. 5 Billon Doses of Vaccine given to date. 15.6 % of the World Population are already fully vaccinated. Over 30 % of the Entire World Population has already registered to become Global Citizens of the New World order via the Global Vaccine Network. and Growing at an Alarming rate. This Global Government will try everything Possible to reach the 66.6 % point that gives them Mandate = 2/3 Majority. They will Use Media and Marketing, they will bring in Incentives, they will use every Tactics in the Book to get you to register and take the control Vaccine, even use force if needed. As a Global Citizen of the New World Order you will have more freedom but will own nothing, control and dependent on the Global Elite Government.
More Variant’s will come, more waves will come, more deaths will take place until full target was reached for Global One World Order to take hold of almost every Country in the world and Control the Masses. With a Global Vaccine Green Passport, you can travel to any country that are members of the Global New World Order – And soon using only One World Global Crypto currency on a Global Identification Mark. ONLY The Vaccinated Global Citizen will be able to buy or Sell - You the Anti Vaxxer will become the enemy of the Global New World order. This is the Final Picture of the Future soon to be!
Redenasie oor Covid.
Most people I speak to, who accepted or support the vaccine, seem to be making more of an emotional decision than anything else…
I have literally personally read and studied scientific publications, listened to HIGHLY qualified doctors, and VERY higher-grade discussions, and I personally cannot - even for a second - understand how people can make any decision without properly studying both sides of the argument.
As an example, I read the actual Pfizer Study Papers, their EUA Applications, Approvals, AND Information sheets, and I am VERY worried for my friends who are not informed about the risks I see SO CLEARLY...
But again - it will come down to who is wrong, and who is right, I suppose...
My concern is that - if I am wrong - I can always take the vaccine later.
If anyone who takes the vaccine is wrong - they have signed what might turn out to be a death sentence, purely through ignorance - because they "did the right thing."
All these very qualified doctors, virologists, microbiologists, pulmonologists, evolutionary biologists, the co-inventor of mRNA, the inventor of the PCR test... All these highly credentialed people do presentations in great detail about the risks, the pathology, the mechanism of inoculation, the formation of T-Cells, Spike-Proteins, Messenger RNA, and all manner of highly scientific discussions, around the risks of the vaccine...
Why would people think that all these people are simply conspiracy nuts, poor scientists, liars, and theorists, who benefit (somehow) from speaking out so verbally while risking their careers?
THAT is what concerns me... If they are right. If their concerns turn out to be true. If a D-Dymer Test is the ONLY way to know if you're a ticking time-bomb to die from micro-capillary clotting (already proven), in 2, 3, or 5 years - way beyond the scope of the 60day EUA tests - what is our future going to look like?
I am more willing to be judged and labeled than to take risks like this with my health, just because "it's the right thing to do," versus being swayed by real, consistent science, and verified facts...
I am not going to make a decision on my future health, based on the emotional blackmail used by governments, the media, friends who "unfriend" and label me, or those who benefit most from my compliance.
That's probably the most accurate description of where I am, right now, that I have ever typed...

Dr Vosloo South Africa

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