Wednesday, August 25, 2021



Daily Update #209 Wednesday August 25, 2021
Good day Patriot,

What would you do if you heard children being raped and tortured next door to you?

Would you do something about it?

Would you call the police?

What if you called the police and they didn’t do anything?

What would you do next?

Hear more shocking details in this double dose of reality in the post below.

God Bless,
“Not only do I pray for it, on the score of human dignity, but I can clearly foresee that nothing but the rooting out of slavery can perpetuate the existence of our union, by consolidating it in a common bond of principle.”

You may not realize just how precious your freedom is.

You have the luxury to read these words and not have to worry about being beaten, raped or tortured.

Let us fortunate ones be of service to those that don’t have a voice and don’t have the same freedoms and blessings that we do.

We are here for a reason.

God Bless
Today’s Tip
Tip of the day: Get involved! Whatever you feel passionate about, get involved and literally BE THE CHANGE you want to see!

Wish an organization would do something? Maybe it’s up to you!

Wish a company would do this or that? Maybe it’s YOU that should do this or that.

Wish the politicians would represent the people? Maybe YOU should be the one to help make the changes.

Maybe you meet the people that can do the things you don’t want to, but YOU are here for a reason. Act like it.
Network Partners
Steve Lepkowski led a team of engineers at Texas Instruments and helped them secure patents for 2G, 3G and 4G.

Now he's helping humanity with his knowledge. Learn more here.
Sheriff Richard Mack is continuing his great work to restore Liberty in America, county by county.

If you're in the United States, or even if you're not, watch Sheriff Mack's latest update here.
Master Lama Rasaji is one of only 12 Master Lamas in the entire world. He lived and trained at the original Tai Chi Gung Lamasery in Tibet.

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