Sunday, August 22, 2021


 Submitted by: Jackie Juntti

I have come across many articles this morning related to the ANTI-JAB issue (I am a STRONG ANTI JAB PERSON). This podcast below by LT of AND WE KNOW is powerful and exposes the goal of using FEAR to get folks to take the JAB.

As I have mentioned numerous times - the only *vaccine* I have taken in my life was in 1947 or '48 in Los Angeles for diphtheria. I have had the sad experience of burying my step dad after he took the infamous SWINE FLU shot in the late 1970's. Then the burial of a super healthy grandson who died after getting his first *baby shots* in 1987. One of my gal friends in the same time period buried her first grandson after he got his *baby shot*. I see all the Big Pharma money makers as just another form of a black power bullet - using a needle rather than a gun.


As I have testified to many times - my personal health history was one of catching every bacterial and virus laden illness there was until I was introduced to the pH Balance way of eating and drinking. Once I began following this I have not had so much as a sniffle and have had NO *illnesses* of any kind. This is for the past SIXTEEN (16) years. My only problems have been my skeleton (bones) problems. I realize that most folks refuse to give up their acidic foods and drinks - in order to not have to go to the doctor to take JABS and Big PHARMA pills. I do not understand such a mentality but that is the way the majority of folks are. Total failure to take personal responsibility for their own health. EAT DRINK & BE BURIED.

There is a great article on this morning about these JABS. Check it out.


In the meantime watch and listen to LT and his podcast. Hopefully it will prevent some of you to NOT take the JAB.


Jackie Juntti


Amazing information and support to fight the COVID hoax + download form to refuse COVID-19 Vaccine

Military cannot be forced to take vax…see International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

France hires bullies to keep unvaxed out

Bodybuilder BOOM

Fauci indicted

Amazing woman shows what happened to her with vax’

Trump against Boosters

Dr. Shawn Brooks

Amazing video showing the Vax narrative crumbling

Stealing ballots in CA

Melbourne sign in the skies

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