Friday, July 23, 2021



Alarming Report from Chuck Norris: "America May Be Lost Forever"
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Chuck Norris Releases Alarming Report About Protecting Your Retirement Read more…
Apologists for Cuba's Communists
People are siding with Cuba over the U.S. ... people who are Americans. Fairly despicable. Read more…
Obama-Biden are lying America into socialism
'Trump based no policies on lies. Obama did. Joe Biden does.' Read more…
Why is Big Tech getting away with the Big Steal?
Big Tech had a bigger part in the Big Steal than most people realize. Read more…
Conservative senator teams with Bernie Sanders to go after Biden's powers
'This is a re-taking, not a wrestling away, of powers.' Read more…
My 2-point plan for survival of the Republic (not kidding!)
What's an 'existential threat' to America? The Digital Speech Code Cartel. Let's hamstring it. Read more…
People close to Biden and Pelosi just tested positive for COVID
The Pelosi staffer had recent contact with the runaway Democrats from Texas, six of whom have also tested positive for COVID. Read more…
Lying about 'misinformation' to justify tyranny
This targeting of 'misinformation' is totalitarian to its core. Read more…
Fact check: We just caught NPR in a serious lie
'The difference between The Daily Wire and NPR is that we're transparent about our biases and we don't depend on the public dole. Their bulls**t hit piece against us was intellectually shoddy and riddled with inaccuracies, but hey, at least I get to pay for their insults with my tax money,' The Daily Wire's CEO said. Read more…

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