Sunday, June 6, 2021


 Submitted by: Craig Maus

Permission to Forward: 



How’s SOCIALISM working out for you? 

You now have had nearly 5 months of it. 


The illusion that allowed SOCIALISM to find its way into our country 

was based upon the simple application that ALL Socialists, past & present,  

have Always used & advanced- 

that Systemic In-Equality & Unfairness resides among a certain lot and therefore, 

those ‘responsible’ for their plight must be expunged at All Costs. 


And ultimately, over time, if allowed to ‘percolate’ without Any Resistance within 

any established political system, 

it WILL take root & eventually Destroy ANY & ALL GOOD that ever  

existed prior….including People. 


It has been CULTIVATING in America for Decades 

much like a deadly mold within our walls thanks to a Government 

that has used it as a weapon to advance Their Reconstructed Political Regimen. 


Divide and Conquer is nothing new. 

That is how the Few can control the Majority. 

Political Advancement 101. 


Thus, their destruction of our Original Being has allowed for & elevated their zealotry & orthodoxy  

while ‘Quietly’ implanting a Destructive Ideology that has been fermenting, 

as noted, 

much like the Virus that was CREATED in Wuhan, China, 

and for NO other reason than self-purpose & gain at the expense of the overall majority. 


Today we have More Debt & more Government Intrusion than ever before and ‘mounting’ daily as a result. 


Government is now in the position, as a result, as that of a ‘bartering agent’ where they can decide at will 

wherein & how 

ANYTHING Goes…if it meets & contributes to their Political Objectivity…. 

including that of a dispirited lot that can direct their ire at will against  

a White Race & Culture WITH Impunity & WITHOUT interference 

because it serves the maligned despot whose ‘Government’, as noted by Biden, who said, 


“We the People ARE THE GOVERNMENT!” 


It was Never about Civil Rights.  

Civil Rights was just the ‘Bolt’ necessary for the Government to Load their Shell. 


Strange how TIME can change things Isn’t it? 


Today we are NO longer a REPUBLIC (haven’t been for decades) as a result 

nor are we the ‘vaunted’ Democracy the Politburo on the Potomac 

has falsely portrayed us as being.  


Instead, they have made us a Debt- & Guilt-Ridden Nation that has become  

NO better than a 3rd world Banana Republic destroying Itself on a 

‘Reef of Stupidity’ 

Culminating with the  

All-too-apparent STOLEN ELECTION just months ago. 


Y’all have seen your cities burnt, your police castigated and the criminals 

provided with free get-out-of-jail cards because, according to “Those People”, 

this is all ‘Just & Right’ as 

the White Race is & was responsible for Any & All of 



Government will NEVER intercede to make things right! 

It is NOT in their Interests to do so! 


Think this will ever end? 


It is just the BEGINNING… or the END more likely 

thanks to a ‘Government’ who sold us ALL out long ago


Perhaps now YOU can now relate to what we Confederates saw coming long before 1860 ever arrived… 

But that would suggest y’all had some ‘exposure’ to America’s historical past…  

and today that has about as much of a chance of being TOLD as a snowball in hell has a chance 

of NEVER melting! 


Now the GENOCIDE associated with “Those Peoples” intent is more than OBVIOUS … 

Their ‘early form’ of 

CANCEL CULTURE is just the Tip of Their Political Ice-Berg! 


YOU, yes YOU are on the cusp of ELIMINATION because 



And they are making it LEGAL IN EVERY WAY to descend upon YOU should You RESIST. 


          Think this is ALL still a DELUSION or some type of Conspiracy Theory? 


Remember what our Confederate Society also said? 

“Yesterday’s Conspiracy Theories have ALL become today’s REALITY.” 


Look around YOU and what do YOU see? 



Two generations of Blacks have been brought up to believe that 

America & we Whites are Responsible for each & every one of their woes. 


The Black Congressional Caucus, NOW in conjunction with the 

SOCIALIST RADICALS like AOC, Talib, Omar, Presley, and Numerous others 

have fostered & advanced this HATE under the Guise of In-Equality & Unfairness. 


They have labeled America as a “Systemic Racist Country” 

even though this is a Blatant Lie in every sense. 


America has had a Black President, Black Attorney Generals, 

Black Senators, Congressman, Governors & Local Officials etc., etc. etc. …. Yet many Black people 

continue to believe America is “systemically racist.” 


And the White kids have likewise swallowed this Snake Oil thanks to an 

Education System that is controlled at ALL LEVELS by the very Same People 

who introduced SOCIALISM into America’s Mainstream decades earlier. 


This is the ‘Song of the Political Pied Piper’ resulting in a  

HATE-FILLED MANTRA that has now taken control of America! 


This is what occurs when EQUALITY & FAIRNESS is re-molded & sold to the

 ill-educated & dumbed down 

to advance a dark & heinous IDEOLOGY . 


It is HOW a Once-Foreign Ideological Manifest takes ‘ROOT’. 



and it is now eating away at our very Core & Soul. 


There is NO WAY in which this MADNESS can be REVERSED 

in the present condition



if we ever again hope to realize & revisit the Greatness associated with 

WHO & WHAT we once were… and before their 

Gavel of Socialist Depravity was unleashed upon us ALL. 


For if we do NOT, we will be marked and 



FIVE MONTHS into SOCIALISM and look at what NOW IS… 



It has been  



Deo Vindice, 



We Told Y’all So! 


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