Sunday, May 16, 2021






Sunday –

May the 16th, 2021




HOPE works in three ways: it looks for the good in people instead of harping on the worst; it discovers what can be done instead of grumbling about what cannot; it regards problems, large or small, as opportunities; it pushes ahead when it would be easy to quit; it lights the candle instead of cursing the darkness.


The Posters attached demonstrate this truism.  We don’t find many in public office anymore who look for the good instead of harping on the worst, who attempt to discover what can be done instead of grumbling about what cannot, and we don’t seem to find the leaders who regard problems as opportunities to serve and better their fellow man without imposing more restrictions and punitive actions.  The posters attached to this commentary maybe considered funny, some actually are; they may be considered witty some are that, also.  But there is also an undercurrent with these posters in that ignorance is saluted and laughed at, rather than rechanneled toward creating something productive.  Meanness is celebrated more often even at the expense of others.  Incompetence and a lower bar of excellence is saluted and considered acceptable.  Imposing on others to have your way is applauded, and responding to such impositions is hatefully frowned upon – and worse! 


Today our country desperately needs an army of ordinary heroes to stand against the gathering darkness in our land.  We earnestly need people who will stand for truth courageously, consistently and with humility.  We truly need people who are true Believers of the Gospel, not merely Sunday partakers; those who are willing to pay the price of discipleship and obedience and do so joyfully.  The moral landscape of a country is strongly influenced by its’ laws, but the same is true, in that, the laws of a country are greatly influenced by the moral teachings given.  When God is separated from government we are forced to accept arbitrary laws.  Either God is the lawgiver or man – either God is supreme or the state is supreme.   The examples of Nazi Germany and any Marxist nation should remind us that whoever controls a nation’s laws also controls a nation’s agenda, and the nation’s values!


The attached posters are funny to an extent, surely thought provoking.  But I believe they are reflective of what our nation is experiencing by God’s Hand.  I strongly sense our country and the church have been thrown into the Tempter’s sieve, and he is violently shaking, and it must  become manifest whether we are wheat or chaff.  Our Nation, once so conceived as One Nation under God has become something else, something the Lord never intended.  The same Lord who created this exceptional country has given Satan permission to shake America in a manner not before seen, except by Israel.   To shake America so that it may become clear as to what manner of people we are!  Satan shakes and stirs in a most hateful diabolical manner, and he who is not ready to suffer, he who merely called himself a Christian only because he thereby hoped to gain something good for himself and his agenda are blown away like chaff by the wind of time.  Many embedded in our government are dedicated to reshaping America according to purely humanistic values, and they agree with Marxist doctrine that God and religion must be removed from government and this country altogether.  Christianity, specifically, must be eliminated from all spheres of government, from our foundational laws, our educational systems, workplaces, and are you ready for this…removed even from our homes!  Each area is to be replaced with secular, humanistic, pagan values. 


The posters hereto attached may bring a smile or two; most likely will contribute to your head nodding in agreement with the messages contained therein.  But the more salient thought communicated is the loss of hope that is deliberately and subtly promoted causing an opioid effect upon the masses.  I encourage you to look UP for your guidance is not found in man or systems of government, but in the One who created both – Adonai (God alone is the head over all; Deuteronomy 6:4). 


 Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.




Host and Commentator


Anita Cohen
Editor, Prescott eNews

P.O. Box 2825, Prescott, AZ 86302

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