Sunday, February 7, 2021

CHUCK KOLB 02/07/2021

 ​Forwarding to ALL - Chuck w/Permission to Forward: 

As I said to a Compatriot today Chuck-

We warned of those Trains and their 'Box-Cars' that were now moving long ago;

Then we warned of their impending arrival at the 'Stations';

Then we warned that they had arrived ...

And NOW they are ALL fueled, ready to roll with their 'Ignitions' in the ON Position! 

Deo Vindice!




On 2/6/2021 5:18 PM, Craig Maus wrote:

Permission to Forward: 

America is an Occupied Country and ANYONE NOT understanding this, at this point, 

after ALL that has happened and continues to happen, 

 is either flat out Ignorant or has totally withdrawn from  

ALL Common Sense & Reality. 


YOU/WE are being corralled (caged) & many can’t come to accept this and would rather live 

in a make believe world of denial tantamount to sticking your head in the sane and denying 

what YOUR EYES are seeing. 

“Those People”, as We have said, were going for it ALL during this last ‘election’! 


Leading up to it, “Those People” had broken every LAW imaginable and  

Their ‘system’ of ‘government’ PREVENTED any of their ILK from ever being charged 

while they literally Prosecuted us as a People with  

False Lies, a Phony Impeachment and an ultimate, contrived & pre-planned 

Theft of a National Election. 

Anyone thinking that it would be ‘Business as Usual’ afterwards is, as noted,  

Out to Lunch.

“Those People” are currently in the Process of CENSORING ANY VOICES 

be they on TV, Radio or the Net & FOX has just removed Lou Dobbs and others 

from their network. 


Their Green New Deal is a RUSE. 

It will be used to curtail Travel and is designed to Impose TAXES on your vehicles based upon mileage so  

YOU are kept Isolated & Alone.  

And if YOU think this is a Conspiracy Theory, then you have already joined the  

Ranks of those same “Useful Idiots” that helped to put Stalin in office that he quickly disposed of immediately thereafter…. 

Over 40 Million PLUS. 

These People are talking about ‘Rehabilitation Camps’ for the 75 Million TRUMP SUPPORTERS. 

Still thinking this is an absurdity? 

Better LISTEN to what they are saying because THEY MEAN what THEY are SAYING! 


Expect “Those People” to use COVID as another way & means to keep us corralled. 

MEDICAL PAPERS will soon be required in order to  

‘Journey’/Travel anywhere. 

It Is Coming! 

Isolation via the ‘Legal Comportment’ of everyone. 


Again, NOT A ONE of “Those People” who sit in that  

Cathedral of Corruption on the Potomac, 

despite Breaking Law after Law including the contrived actions of former 

OBAMA appointees like Clinton, Holder, Lynch, Rice, etc., & a myriad of others in  

Their FBI, IRS, CIA, DOJ and State Departments, PRIOR to TRUMP, 

have EVER, NOT A ONE, BEEN BROUGHT TO JUSTICE with respect to their conspiratorial deeds and actions- 



America is NOW Totally Owned & Operated by a One World Cabal who has long desired us to be one of  

Their Nation States. 

They have been preparing for this moment over multiple decades! 


SOME HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE so YOU understand WHY & HOW We came to be in the FIX We are Today… 


… that many, sadly & unfortunately have either ignored, denounced, were never ‘taught’ or simply refuted because it was easier & simpler to  

‘Look the Other Way’ and Deny the Presence of the BEAST that was clearly 

Knocking at YOUR Doors…  

you know, Those who gave up their Freedoms in the Name of Governmental Security. 


Here are some Common Sense Questions… Have YOU ever taken this ‘Quiz’ before? 

  1. Does the Constitution recognize each State as being a Member of a Voluntary Union? 

    (Doesn’t get ANY simpler than that) 


    (If YOU answered YES (the correct answer), then the following should be rather simple…) 

  2. When the Colonies SEPARATED from England, after having fought a Bloody Revolution based entirely upon 



    Do YOU think they would have EVER entered into ANY AGREEMENT thru which  

    they would have Voluntarily ceded that SELF-INDEPENDENCE  

    to a CENTRAL AUTHORITY (Government)? 

    (If YOU answered NO (the correct answer) you would be right again…) 

  3. Was the U.S. Constitution the very FIRST Constitution? 

    Be CAREFUL now… 

    (If YOU answered NO (the correct answer) you would not only be right but are on your way to ‘Connecting the Dots’ 

    relative to the WHY’S that exist today…) 

  4. What was the First Constitution? 

    (If YOU answered the Articles of Confederation, you are about to ‘Connect many of the Dots’ relating to & understanding  

    WHY YOU have an Authoritarian Government today…) 

  5. Who wrote the Articles of Confederation and WHY? 

    (If you said the Continental Congress to which EACH of the SOVEREIGN & INDEPENDENT STATES acknowledged, 

    then YOU are quickly moving up to PATRIOT STATUS) 

  6. When & why were the Articles of Confederation changed & a U.S. Constitution formerly accepted? 


    Ahhh- here is where it begins to get interesting… 


    Well & for the most part, there were still many in the former colonies WHO LIKED THE WAY England went about doing 

    ‘BUSINESS’ (former Tories)… with the exception of a KING however. 

    They didn’t like a sole ‘proprietor’ so to speak running their Candy Store. 


    You see, they wanted a more ‘influential’ Central Government that would provide them with 

    Similar capabilities, GROUP WISE, but in a KING ‘capacity’! 



  7. Is that why PATRICK HENRY, in attending its Ratification of the U.S. Constitution said: 


    “I SMELL A RAT” & predicted that “This New Government would NOT Last 100 Years”? 

    (If YOU said, Hmmm- YOU are NOW on the Right Track) 

  8. So let me get this straight as I have a question for YOU (the writer). 

    OK- what is it? 


    So are YOU saying that the Articles of Confederations were more EXACTING with respect to the  

    LIMITED Authority associated with a CENTRAL Government than the U.S. Constitution? 


    Let me steal a line from JOE BIDEN- 



    And that is why Patrick Henry said what he did as noted in # 7 above. 


    Hey, I’m beginning to UNDERSTAND… 


  9. I’ve heard about the Hartford Convention and the War of 1812.  

    What was that about? 



    Well it was ALL ABOUT MONEY.  

    YOU see, the New England States were doing a lot of Business with England 

    at the time & being at War with them was eating into Their Profits. 

    So they got together at this Convention and  



    Hold ON- That’s was a SOUTHERN THING I was told… 


    NOPE- it was a NORTHERN THING. 




    Did they ever follow through with their Letters of Secession? 


    Turns out that the War ended before it could be ‘entertained’ in Congress. 


    You mean, some of the Northern States actually accepted Secession as being LEGAL? 


    HEY, y’all are getting good with these questions- 

    Y’all are right over the Target & the answer is  





    So what about the Civil War? 



    Well, it turns out that the SOVEREIGN STATES, North & South, were beginning to experience differences, particularly ‘economic’ 

     & those differences were being  

    adjudicated & addressed via that CENTRAL GOVERNMENT that was to have, remember, LIMITED AUTHORITY? 


    Well how could that be possible when they were supposed to be Sovereign Independent? 


    YEAH but the New U.S. Constitution CHANGED THAT and the ‘Elephant’ in the room that 

    PATRICK HENRY SAW COMING (Central Government) 

    was now playing ‘Favorite’, a role it was NEVER to have had resulting from, 

    are YOU ready, 

    A Majority RULE that the Framers WARNED US OF! 


    YEAH, I can see that NOW. 

    Wait a minute- how could this work out when there were MORE STATES in the NORTH than in 

    The SOUTH? 




    Patrick Henry predicted would come. 


    So what happened? 

    Well, the Northern States were falling on Hard Times economically and Each of the Southern States were abundantly rich 

    because of their agrarian base. 

    AND what….?

    Well they used their ‘collective’ powers (majority) to have the CENTRAL GOVERNMENT PASS LAWS that gave  

    Them the authority to Impose Tariffs on ANYTHING the Southern States were Exporting or Importing. 

    How could they do that- wasn’t each State Sovereign? 

    The CENTRAL Government ‘thing’ again… see what was now coming together? 

    Now I will answer your question regarding the Civil War- 

    The question of State Sovereignty & Independence is what it WAS ALL ABOUT! 

    But I was told the South started it???
    Let me ask YOU this question… 

    If someone was breaking into YOUR house, would YOU not FIRE at the Intruder? 

    Of Course I would. 

    Well that is what Lincoln did, he INVADED the Southern States every bit the Same as an Illegal Intruder. 

    You see, “Those People” were going for the ‘Brass Ring of Their Time. 

    But the South fired tHe first shot? 

    YES, but ONLY AFTER they tried for six long months to have Northern Troops removed from Ft. Sumter. 

    The Same thing as having your house invaded. 


    This was NOT the AGREEMENT that they ‘Contracted’ for when we REVOLTED from England. 

    ALL STATES were to be FREE of CHARGE

    And what did they do after Seceding? 

    They created their Own, Identical Country as the ONE that was CREATED  

    after we Separated from England with a LIMITED Central Government 

    controlled by Each of the Sovereign Southern States within it- 

    The Confederate States of America- 

    The embodiment of what the Articles of CONFEDERATION (Confederate) 

    Were based upon. 

    NO DIFFERENT than in 1776. 

    BY GOSH, so TWO COUNTRIES DID EXIST within the Same Contiguous Land Mass? 


    And we were Told that it was all about Slavery? 


    Remember how Lincoln FIRST described his Illegal War? 

    He called it a War of Rebellion? 

    NEVER said a word about slavery. 

    How could he say it was a War of Rebellion when those States in the North were about to do during the War of 1812 what the  

    Southern States did some 40 years after? 

    To Confuse the MASSES. 

    And what about Slavery? 

    They simply changed the ‘narrative’ to make it appears as they were the 

    Knights in Shining White Armor. 

    Slavery was NEVER the ISSUE. 

    Heck, Lincoln admitted that! 


    Is that what RECONSTRUCTION then was ALL bout that I hear so much of?


    It gave them POWERS they were NEVER to have had. 

     They Passed Illegal Amendment after Amendment setting the CENTRAL Government up to become the 

    UNLIMTED Leviathan it now is. 

    I’ve read some of your posts…  

    is that what YOU call the ‘Invisible Line’ with respect to NO ONE ever crossing it respective of 1860 and what occurred PRIOR TO? 



    I’m beginning to understand it ALL now. 

    Wow, YOU ‘Guys’ have been hitting the Nail on the head all along…. 


    Thank You but we are simply Patriots who put the time & effort in to 

    ‘Connect the Dots’ 

    that have been there ALL ALONG! 


    I’m from the North and was NEVER taught any of this… 


    NO SURPRISE…. After all, would YOU teach another how  

    YOUR ‘Candy Store’ got Robbed? 

    Good Point… 

    One last question, what about your Flag? 


    Our Battle Flag or Nationals? 

    The Battle Flag- I need to know more about it… 

    Well Sir it represents the Cross of St. Andrew. 

    The Scottish Saint who was impaled by the Romans in a X fashion. 


    It was created to REPRESENT our Commitment to GOD the ALMIGHTY 

    whose 13 Stars represented Each of Our Sovereign States. 

    We, if I may, took it into Battle knowing full well 

    that our CAUSE was just & righteous . 


    Thank You for this information. 

    Now I can understand why you say its… 


    1860 ONCE AGAIN. 

    Washington has indeed changed EVERYTHING to their advantage. 

    Always thought you Confederates were onto something but never knew the whole story. 

    Thank you. 


    And thank you for Inquiring! 

    Now I am afraid another War will come and for the very same reasons as did the 

    2nd American Revolution … 

    that “Those People in Washington still dare to call a  

    ‘Civil War’ when it was Indeed a War Between  


    God Bless, 

    Craig Maus

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