Monday, January 4, 2021


 Submitted by: Craig Maus

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If you haven’t watched this Video as suggested, perhaps Mr. Ward’s assessment of it will

Warrant your attention in doing so.

Scary but Most Credible.


We Must Separate!

Craig Maus,

President, The Confederate Society of America

(Mr. Ward is a Board Member of Our Confederate Society)


Deo Vindice!




Subject: FW: PLANET LOCKDOWN - Did you listen/see this is on the money about consolidation of wealth


Thank you Sir – forwarding to all. (roughly 48 minutes…worth it)


My wife and I watched this the other day. This lady has a good “inside baseball” grasp of both the historical and economical “elements” that transcend the social / political distractions. A well-trained, objective economist will side-step these minefields to see it for what it is. That’s what made Drs. Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams such brilliant economists.


Everything she said not only makes sense, it shows how many years of planning and how many entities around the world would have to secretly network to make this happen. This is the biggest crack-deal collaboration ever.


Incrementally last year it has been revealed how this has been in the works for MANY years – long before Trump. Now we know it’s really been decades in the making. If anything, the Trump Presidency forced a change to their timeline. It’s like the Sith Lord in Star Wars who planned “Order 66” and waited for the right moment to execute it.


After seeing / hearing her testimony, and unlike so many videos out there, this lady better explains how we got to this point based on bird-dogging techniques within her profession that disregarded or interpreted “the distractions” when applicable. I felt it was one of the better videos to really break-down this mess in a manner most could understand. It shows to what extreme the evil One World handlers (Mr. Global as she says) will go to put us all, as Biden would say, “back in chains.”


And the brilliance of their plan is that no matter what laws or “system” governs your country, this “beast system” is designed to override them all.


JWConfederate Society of America





 This is long but give it a listen to because it is not that radical...she tells real...





"...controls necessary ... a coup de ta... Covid needed ... financial coup..."


Please listen to this gal because she is able to connect the dots and show how everything done by crooks is blamed on the "magic virus!"

As people are being ripped off from their cash flow it all gets blamed on the virus.


Even the "magic virus" gets people hooked up to "the cloud"


Oh the digital world of "zero privacy" and how people can be "shut off" aka ripped off.

This is worth your time!  She points out how there are so many people armed and still this is going to be too little too late.


It's simple she says...just listen!



Craig Maus

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