Sunday, December 13, 2020

Let's WIN this spiritual war and rescue as many hostages as we can; while we still can do so.

 Submitted by: W.G.E.N.

Let's WIN this spiritual war and rescue as many hostages as we can. while we still can do so.

Last night was a night filled with *thoughts* ( I prefer 'words from the Lord').  Was writing in my head a great deal of what is going on in this world today and has been going on for thousand of centuries.

We are not in a political battle - nor an election battle - or even a 'religious' battle.  We are and have been since the fall of Lucifer from Heaven with his one third of the angels.  It has been and IS a spiritual battle using modern weapons - technology.  The rebellion of Lucifer against God is what this all is about - nothing more and nothing less.

Many of you remember the Y2K panic and how that all fizzled out.  Now it is THE BIG RESET with Covid 19 being the atomic bomb and the use of VACCINES to be the bomb shelters from falling bombs.  The selling point for the vaccines is much like the Serpents lies to Eve when he told her that they wouldn't *SURELY* die if they ate of the forbidden fruit.  The serpent went to Eve as he knew she was weaker than Adam and that she could get Adam to take a bite.  Today's media is the modern version of Satan's lies.  They ramp up the panic - the numbers - the FALSE PREACHERS - the hysteria.

I would ask that each of you place a copy of the 91st Psalm in front on you and read it slowly, placing your name (if you are a Born Again Believer) wherever you see 'thou', 'thee'  so that you see how personal this psalm is to each Believer.

The increased openness of the demonic agenda being carried out in front of us is a sure indication to me that we are so very close to  hearing the loud command with the voice of an archangel and the trumpet of God to the Rapture.  Scripture tells us that in order to be lifted up then we must have already asked Jesus into our hearts and been Born Again - if we haven't done that then we shall be LEFT BEHIND to suffer  the Tribulation.   And scripture is VERY CLEAR that there is only ONE way to heaven and that is thru Jesus Christ - there is no other door available, in spite of the denominational lies about such.

All that is going on (including the words from the neurosurgeon this week) would have had me dealing with some anxiety a couple years ago but now I have this unbelievable PEACE in my heart - no fear - no panic - no anxiety.  Anticipation is what I feel now - knowing there is no weapon that can be used against me by the satanic servants as I am under the protection of the Lord and his angels. Read the 91st Psalm.

The Tribulation will usher in the Anti-Christ who will set himself on the throne in the Temple and demand to be worshiped by all. Everyone will be given the Mark of the Beast (the Covid vaccine is the test market for people accepting the Mark - the CONDITIONING period).  Along with the mandating of wearing masks which protect from NOTHING other than easy breathing.  The Social distancing - and the closing down of the churches but keeping open the sinful places.  All these things are part of the forced worship of The Anti-Christ and his shutting down any worship of Jesus Christ.

Satan has tried so many weapons and so many methods of warfare since he fell from heaven but with the advent of today's technology and the willingness of those Big Tech owners - Satan can now TRACK all of us (those who have tracking devices - like cell phones)  with more tracking to become hidden in the Vaccines that we can't detect but special devices can see the coloring that is hidden in the vaccines along with all the ingredients.  Funny thing is that God knows what ALL of us are doing ALL the time and He needs none of those technology devices because He know each of us by name.  Satan only thinks he will then become like God but he is so far off base it isn't funny.

The weapons of war have changed over time and become more powerful for sure but regardless of the weapons those of us who are Born Again and always wear the FULL ARMOR of God are safe from the wounds of Satan's weapons.  At the Great White Throne of Judgement Satan will get his eternal sentence of life in the Lake of Fire.  I pray that each of you who have yet to ask Jesus into your heart do so and do it NOW as if not you too shall spend eternity in the Lake of Fire.  Despite the teaching of some denominations - no one else can make that request for you  and no one can make it after you draw your last breath on earth.

Calling your self a Christian doesn't make you one. No more than Satan demanding to be worshiped as god makes him one.  Jesus tells us VERY CLEARLY in the Bible how and what -  There is NO OTHER WAY.

As I have written many times lately - instead of returning hate and anger at those who are expressing such towards us - it is time to reevaluate how we see them.  See them as Prisoners of War (SPIRITUAL WAR) - as CAPTIVES - as Hostages in this spiritual war.  We, as Believers, need to pray for them to have their eyes and hearts opened to TRUTH - pray for them to be surrounded and filled with an intense thirst and hunger for Christ - pray for them to confess their sin and to REPENT and ask Christ into their hearts.  We need to RESCUE and bring them out of those prison camps they have been held in.  What greater defeat can we be part of in defeating Satan's agenda?

ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS -  Let's WIN this spiritual war and rescue as many hostages as we can. while we still can do so.

Jackie Juntti


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