Monday, December 28, 2020

Go Boldly And Bravely Into New Year 2021

Submitted by: W.G.E.N.

 The Satan Servants (Dems and RINO's) know their TIME is very short and they are pulling every destructive action they can think of.  They know in their demented minds that they are facing eternity in the Lake of Fire and they want to destroy as many of Gods' creations as they can.  All the more reason for us to stand strong in prayer to rescue as many prisoners of this spiritual war that we can.  Read the 91st Psalm (my favorite) and understand that we Believers are protected by The Lord and Gods' angels. 

Jackie Juntti


The world isn't falling apart - It is falling into place -  Jan Markell


Be like President Donald Trump, NEVER, EVER give up!

Go Boldly And Bravely Into New Year 2021

Go Boldly And Bravely Into New Year 2021In never-ending Election 2020, “every vote counts”—with the exception of the millions of votes cast for incumbent President Donald Trump, who, in the planned outcome, NEVER stood a chance of winning because of a well-orchestrated, piece-by- piece Democrat/Media coup d’état.

Before our very eyes,  the most popular president in recent history, was felled by a thousand cuts, each and every one pre-planned on Election Night 2016 when the lib-left elite began to hamstring him every which way.

The sordid characters in this long-running play brought knife-wielding backstabbers from Republican broom closets to join Democrats and celebrities.

There’s no such thing as loyalty and honor in the dog-eat-dog world of politics

There’s no such thing as loyalty and honor in the dog-eat-dog world of politics.

With some five years in the making, the most powerful ground force in the U.S., a virtual gang-up of Democrats, globalists and media kickstarted a plan that would return America to the control of the Obamas, the Clintons and the Bidens— with Obama returned to backroom power through his former vice president, doddering Joe Biden.

All the foofaraw in between would keep the masses from seeing what was long coming down the pike.

Millions of loving fans who flocked to Trump rallies could be written off because scheming Democrats knew love, unbridled enthusiasm or not, that the president they live to hate, was not going anywhere.

They sealed off all roads to redress and escape as part of ‘Plan A’.

Like the accomplished control freaks and bullies that they really are, they had pulled every power switch under their control long before the election campaign got underway—the FBI, the Supreme Court—your own children who they have been indoctrinating in public schools, courtesy of taxpayer dollars, for decades.

The exquisite pre-planning that went into the Big Steal is unprecedented

Even though Sidney Powell, Lyn Wood and Rudy Giuliani will never be able to prove it in court, millions know that the Democrats didn’t win Election 2020—they STOLE it.

All energy was focused on made-to-order ballots found under tables while the Mail-In vote devised by a self-professed “non-partisan” Mrs. Barack Obama and Hollywood celebrity Tom Hanks were paid scant attention.

The exquisite pre-planning that went into the Big Steal is unprecedented.  The Russian hoax, multi-million-dollar Mueller investigation into it; the televised impeachment hearings were diversions to keep our minds off the horror that they were meanwhile crossing all the ’t’s, dotting all the ‘i’s of the Plan To Steal the Election.

The masses only began to awaken when they stopped counting the vote; when Fox News called the Arizona vote for Biden even as people were still out voting; when Fox anointed Biden as ‘president-elect’—the only ‘president-elect in all of history anointed before the vote was counted.

Election 2020 was over at that moment in time.  There would be no Supreme Court to give standing to any fighting to turn it around; no FBI, or any other power to investigate Election thieves.


Money-grubbing opportunists and carpet baggers are flying in from all sides to fill vacuums

All along, the masses were the captive audience of the Democrats and networks.

Now that they’ve gotten away with it, they want you to believe that all hope is lost even though humans being human know that all hope is never lost in any earthly event—even World Wars.

They want everyone who wakes up each day to believe they are going to die of the pandemic, or the ravages brought by a false and media-hyped Global Warming/Climate Change.

Most of all the powers that be want you to lose your will to carry on—even your will to live.

They are uncomfortable knowing that even with churches closed for almost an entire year,  that people everywhere are still praying to God Almighty, at home, in their cars, at work, where work is still left—everywhere.

Money-grubbing opportunists and carpet baggers are flying in from all sides to fill vacuums.  Now that suppression of all truthful voices has shut off the ability to reach others, Fox News is filling the vacuum left by the suppressed, for no other reason than raking in more money.

So where does the betrayed electorate now stand?


Politicians of all political stripes have proven that they cannot be trusted

After all is said and done, you don’t have to be the captive audience of the maudlin and melodramatic Democrats.

Turn them off.  Don’t let them dominate your life with dirty politics.

You don’t have to watch cable television.

You don’t have to be so much putty in their hands.  You can live your own life the best way you see fit.

You are separated by too many miles from the powers that be.  They are looking for—and finding—publicity while you continue to look for peace and the profound.

Politicians of all political stripes have proven that they cannot be trusted.

Only in God do we trust. 

While virtue-signalling politicians are telling us that “Every Vote Counts”,  the Creator is telling us “Every Soul counts.”

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