Saturday, November 7, 2020


 Our World

Upside Down
Part 1
In April of 2010 a Christian preaching God’s Word was arrested by an atheistic policeman in Britain for speaking God’s truths.
Leviticus 18: 22 Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." 
Also an Israeli official spoke out truthfully about Islamic outbursts against British law.

She was arrested as pro-Palestinians  all but destroyed the police car that took her to jail. This also happened in Britain . The pro-Palestinians were not arrested although they  damaged property of the state.
The point I am making is that we are now living in a world that trashes truth as likes are lauded. The honorable are despised and the depraved are empowered... Those with strong moral character are relentlessly mocked and immorality is praised, paraded and protected.
Here in America we are seeing the same things. Gay Pride parades, Muslim enclaves and folks who openly speak out against our laws, moral values and just plain common-sense are named as heroes and even elected to offices of importance within our government. There are even gay politicians openly flaunting their deviant ways as if daring any to comment.
It is as if our society is in the grip of a mass derangement. It is as if the world has gone mad.
There is an explanation for these acts that all too many are unwilling to recognize. This cause is all but hidden as there are but a few that will admit Satan is loose in this world as never before and roaring, as he seeks to devour all.
We see our government’s solution to our national debt problems as ‘increased spending.’ We see those that speak out against morality, praising vulgarity, purveying filth and ungodliness hiding behind the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment.
One of our TV programs dared to mock Islam’s prophet only to be threatened with violence by Muslim groups. One would think they’d ‘get the point’ and cease any mockery of a religion. Did they?
No. They promptly turned on Christianity and mocked Jesus Christ!
We are being told, “Intellectuals know best.” With that as a fact, ‘intellectuals’ may be rightly seen as Satan’s minions! Yes, Satan’s minions!
In my time the normal question to ask upon learning of the birth of a child one would ask, “is it a boy or a girl?’ Sex, as a biological reality is not really that difficult to determine.
Not so for the so-called ‘intellectuals’ that seemingly are the decision makers within our Judiciary. To those ‘intellectuals’ gender is a choice, a state of mind, and is theirs to interpret!
Using this warped logic homosexuality is lauded. Bisexuality is lauded and trans-sexuality even more exalted! Surgical sex change is not only acceptable, but is a reason to name any that speaks out against such a procedure as a ‘bigot’ or ‘a homophobe.’
Proponents of such policies see themselves as, ‘creating a world free from oppression and hate, a world of tolerance and understanding, where everyone is accepted, none condemned and no feelings are hurt.’
The sad truths are morality and common decency have been turned ‘upside down,’ as  freedom of Christians, in particular, are all but criminalized. Muslims are allowed special needs, Christians are not. No crosses, but foot baths, well, “ it is their culture,” say the ‘intellectuals.’
Laws are being enacted that criminalize any actions against cross-dressers, allowing higher pay for homosexuals and businesses forced to accept perversions as ‘acceptable.’
I speak against these outrageous acts. I speak God’s Word and am determined to speak out against the Islamic groups that hide the true meaning of their ‘religion.’ For any true religion that recognizes the One True God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to make the claim of, ‘death to any that will not convert to their religion,’ is no religion at all.
I speak out against those that teach sexual perversions, no matter the form, as acceptable, are dupes and far from intellectual.
I speak out against any that use false claims about Christianity as reason to belittle God’s true followers.
It was God who created man and gave us our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to show us the way.
Colossians 1:  15He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him
On another point of our world being, ‘upside down,’ allow me to say this:
In accordance with the wishes of the United Nations America is quickly emasculating parents as they take parental control away from the parents and give control to the government.
History proves that societies begin with strong marriages and families. In spite of what we know to be fact the ‘intellectuals’ continue their relentless attack on family values. Even though God’s Word specifically commands parents to correct bad behavior of their children we are being told, “To correct a child is cruel and abusive.” God forbid that a child be spanked!
Neither parents nor Educators are allowed to discipline an errant child. Apparently it is the thought of ‘intellectuals’ that a child’s right to misbehave is more important than that child’s ability to learn.
Isaiah 3: 4 I will make boys their officials; mere children will govern them. 5 People will oppress each other— man against man, neighbor against neighbor. The young will rise up against the old, the base against the honorable.

Consider the irony! The same ‘intellectuals’ that seek to empower children at the expense of their parents are the same people that passionately defend those same parent’s right to kill their own children before they are born!

Let me ask this: Do you harbor any doubt as to whom these proclaimed ‘intellectuals’ serve?

Each of us has a duty…a duty to fulfill everything God has instructed us to do. He has instilled within our hearts His gift of discernment. Each of us instinctively knows that everything I say herein is true. I do not imagine what is happening in this world, I simply speak out against what I know to be evil. As a Christian you must realize that you too must speak out against evil.

Maybe that is why we are so hated! But, our duty is clear to me.

(Closing prayer)
Almighty God, Father of all, You are our God and there is no other. You created the winds, the rain, the mighty oceans and all that lives. You breathed into existence the universe and You are the Power of all that exists.

Lord, we praise You and we come before You with hearts filled with worship and ask that You accept our worship and our love.

Lord we are beset with the woes as set forth in this sermon and realize that it is Your will to be fulfilled and not our own. If it be Your will that these evil things be placed in our paths we ask for Your guidance in dealing with them. Guide our hearts, our minds and our spirits. Help us to accept things we cannot change and to stand firm in our love for You and our Divine Savior.

Father, we also ask that the Holy Spirit be with us and comfort us in time of need. As humans we are weak and need counseling. As El Gibbor strengthen us and allow us to remain firm in the face of evil with knowledge that You are by our sides. See to our spiritual safety O Lord as we walk this world.

We pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ, who is One with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever,
Amen, amen and amen.

Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr
God's Word Christian Ministry
Conservative Patriot

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