Friday, October 16, 2020


 Savannah Guthrie Interrupts Trump 61 Times

Mr Reagan -- Oct 16, 2020
Don't Touch Anything! Biden in Lead Hopes to Run Out Clock on Trump, Avoid Mistakes
Bill Whittle -- Oct 16, 2020

Cat Report

by Our Spirit

Hunter Biden emails, pics reveal wild life, pained soul


Understanding What Foreign Governments are Purchasing From The Bidens – There are Trillions at Stake


The Mysterious October 20th DOJ Targeting Memo Finally, Quietly, Released – Weissmann Made Rosenstein Take Ownership of Michael Flynn Targeting


Facebook and Twitter Censor Biden Bombshells Weeks After Execs Join His Transition Team

There is always a cost to "free". Good to see we have so many citizens WOKE to evil vaccines.

The Greatest Transfer of Wealth in History


AIM Patriot Sharon points to the Queen's pin from a recent picture. Looks like a CORONAvirus! But of course it would becasue the Queen's company PIRBRIGHT released this virus onto the world and destroyed businesses, economies, families. We say the Queen owes us REPARATIONS!

She is not your "grandmother" - for you patriots in the UK that have been brainwashed your entire lives to believe she is taking care of you. She is an EVIL lizard lady without human compassion. She ordered the assassination of John F. Kennedy and now she is going for global genocide.



Biden: 47 Years of Corruption



We had it all wrong - clearly Tom Hanks wants to save little girls & return them to their families


Below are a few suggested links to a site called Spiritually Raw. Team member Judy brought it to our attention. Seems like more and more people are beginning to see that humanity is transcending into a new way of being. They are also feeling the divine feminine energy that is wrapping the planet with Her love and wisdom. And everybody is a buzz about the process of Ascension.

For those of you that have followed us for a few years, you know that our cosmology does not include fringy topics like extraterrestrials and walk-ins, but there is much inside these videos that might bring you comfort in knowing that others are experiencing Sophia, in their own unique way.

VIDEO: Ascension Flu, Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, Apocalypse, ETs,Reincarnation, Reptilians, Dismantling Matrix

VIDEO: MK-ULTRA, Arrival of ET's & What Happens in 2023!!

We offer a diet to assist you with your ascension process. It is located on Our Spirit website. Ascension Sacraments for Cosmic and Earthly Nutrition Diet.

We wrote a trilogy to explain the cosmology of the divine feminine and you can purchase print copies for cost of printing and mailing AND/OR you can download the PDFs for free. We are a marketing team (wink) for Sophia that wants you to discover her without pay walls and nonsense.

Be Her apostle and spread Her story to your network of truth seekers.

The Gabriel Bookshelf

We have several websites dedicated to the studies of Sophia and Her manifestations in the world:

You see, dear friends, we started our blogging with the END in mind. We knew that in time we would be walking "truth history" back to the mysteries of the Divine Feminine. We wrote our major pieces early on and they stand as the foundations, the pillars, of our virtual Temple of Sophia. Our website articles, posts, and videos add "glass beads" to the Glass Bead Game which is really a modern "mystery school" that guides you to higher knowledge. In time, you will want to add your own "glass beads" to the game. Then we become a beautiful earthly choir of TRUTH, resonating in the harmony of our angelic brothers and sisters.

AIM Patriot A. W. writes us this lovely note:

Dear Betsy, I have put your books on the reading lists for my students - and I sent one to my mum, who was married to my father, an anglo catholic priest (she loves it). I am in awe of the way you so intelligently and compassionately discuss human life - the body, nature, Christianity and comparative religion. Your books have changed my life and I have been watching/listening to you at night on youtube, especially when I felt low or depressed.

Our reply: Thank you for sharing and we know that you are doing tremendous work in the UK to help wake up folks. Whereas the man above in the video is standing on a bench preaching these truths, you are gently nudging and directing those close to you. In time, we will have the whole planet WOKE and the alien invaders of our planet off-worlded.

Then, watch out!!! You can't believe how amazing it is to become fully human.

Attachments area

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