Wednesday, October 14, 2020


 Submitted by: Joseph Grisafi Jr

The republic of Texas

A Sovereign Nation


Q. What is the republic of Texas?

A. Texas is a Nation that was established by Declaration of Rights, The Texas Constitution of 1836, and many battles including the Alamo, the Goliad Massacre, and the ultimate defeat of Santa Anna, and a treaty giving the Texas land "to the people forever". The Constitution declared Texas a republic with a Republican Form of Government. Essential to such form of government is personal responsibility, personal freedom, mutual respect of other’s rights, private ownership of property, common law, and government that exists to serve the interest of the people, is directly answerable to the people, and is forbidden from creating "statutes and color of law" that deprive its citizens of their property. The republic of Texas government exists only to serve the people in intercourse with other nations, providing protection from invasion, establishing a post office and post-roads, coining money, protecting the rights of the Sovereigns, and is forbidden from acquiring property or taxing the citizens and/or their property - PERIOD! The main responsibility of a Republican form of government is to protect the rights and freedom of its Sovereigns. The government is charged to do these without directly taxing the Sovereign and the Sovereign’s private property.


Q. If the land belongs to the people forever, why are Texas residents paying such high ad valorem taxes?

A. That is one of the mysteries of the ‘leadership’ we have in Texas today. The Texas Constitution states at Article 8 Section 1-e. "No State ad valorem taxes shall be levied upon any property within this State".           It is not unreasonable for the average citizen to expect their government to follow its own laws, and this is an area of taxation also forbidden by the United States of America Constitution at Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3, and Article 1, Section 9, Clause 4. The State and local governments unlawfully collect billions of dollars annually from their citizens without any authority from the State Constitution or the State Legislature. If one protests this unlawful act and fights for the Constitutional rights promised in the ‘governmental contract’, one is taken into court, without the tax collector having to provide constitutional or legislative authority to impose such tax, and the person who follows the law as written in THE STATE OF TEXAS has his/her property stolen from them for not paying an unlawful tax on property not lawfully taxable by the STATE OF TEXAS, or any political subdivision thereof.

Since, for most of us, the only familiarity we have with this issue is what is run on the nightly news and in the daily paper, all of which have a vested interest in promoting big government and aiding in systematically programming the population to decide on the choice between a 45% increase or a 47% increase in ad valorem taxes. Why is it that the media don’t spend any time encouraging the citizenry to question the need for more government services?

If the media directed the citizenry to the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for THE STATE OF TEXAS, and the various cities, counties, and ISD's (independent school districts), there would be rebellion in the streets before the newscast was over. For instance, here in Texas, AUSTIN TEXAS is sitting on an almost 1 Billion (2002) surplus, after all expenses, long term debt, buildings, etc., are factored in. Guess what that surplus earns the tax paying citizenry? Nothing but annual increases in their taxes. DALLAS TEXAS has a surplus of over $3,541,245,000 and THE STATE OF TEXAS is sitting on $133,231,136,000. These funds belong to the people, but are being held by the various administrative agencies for who knows what? The Republic of Texas Constitution forbids ad valorem taxes of its Citizens’ private property. The Republic’s government is set up to serve the people, not bankrupt them and take their earnings in the guise of taxation to benefit the children.


Q. Isn’t Texas part of the United States?

A. Absolutely not! There are over 2500 documents clearly confirming the fact that Texas never acceded to become a part of the United States or of the United States of America. There are many appearances that Texas is a State of the Union, however the State of Texas and the United States both know differently, as neither can produce a signed Treaty of Annexation. There was a proposed Treaty, but the Senate did not approve it because of Texian demands. At a later date, the Texian people voted down the annexation by a 2:1 margin. By the Law of Nations, annexation treaties must be unanimous by those annexed for annexation to be valid.

THE STATE OF TEXAS is, in law, and by law, a mere corporation, that is in collusion with the UNITED STATES corporation (not the same as the Constitutional united States of America) and corrupt politicians who in 1845 abandoned the Republic of Texas and appeared to join the United States. This was done for their own personal gain. The facts don’t support the assumption that Texas is a State of the Union. Most people don’t recognize the significance of the fact that the Texas Flag is the only flag that can be flown at the same height as the United States Flag. Every other state flag must be flown below the US Flag. Further, Texas has embassies in eight foreign countries, and has treaties with foreign nations that are recognized today. The STATE OF TEXAS (Case # 95-1002) and THE HAGUE INTERNATIONAL COURT (Case # 94135) recognize the republic of Texas as a Sovereign Nation.


Q. I have heard that the Republic of Texas is a white supremacy militia group, who believe that they are above the law. Is that true?

A. Quite the contrary. The republic of Texas Nation’s Black, Latino, Indian, and Caucasian Sovereign Citizens will tell you that our nation stands alone in its capacity to provide knowledgeable law abiding men and women, of any color and creed who believe in the law and government as established by the Texas and American organic Constitutions - government of the People, by the People, for the People. We believe in responsibility and freedom. An integral part of our foundation is the fact that I as a representative of the republic have no right to tell you how to live your life. Further, I can not get 10,000 people to join me and thereby subject you to my point of view and way of life because you are in the minority. Conversely, no group of 10,000 people acting under some supposed authority have the right to tell me how to think and act either. We respect the rights of our fellow man and understand that our rights are given to us by our Creator, not our government.  Our Creator gave each of us the same Unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness (“among them” - these are not our only rights). We believe in the fundamental tenet shared by all religions (and common sense) ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you‘. My rights are inviolable and stop at the point that I infringe on your rights, and vice versa. Among one’s rights are not included the right to have something that one has not earned, yet is being provided by some politician who stole it from another under the guise of a tax, to give to someone who will vote for him/her. As stated in the Constitutions, We the People are the government, and those who hold positions in government office are the servants of the People - not the Peoples’ ruler. How can the created (government) tell the creator (We the People) what to do and how to live our lives? Simply put, we believe in "truth in government".

Plutarch, the Greek philosopher said over 2000 years ago "The real destroyers of liberties of any people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations, and largesse."

As you read the following, please keep in mind what Thomas Jefferson said, "Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day. But a series of oppressions... pursued unalterably through every change of ministers, too plainly proves a deliberate systematic plan of reducing us to slavery." I am always amazed when I hear someone tell me how great it is to live in the land of the free and they are not allowed to marry, drive a car, operate a business, build a house, change out a water heater, install new windows, or have a pet in their private home without obtaining a license. After obtaining a license (revenue generating act under the guise of being protected) they then have to pay taxes on their earnings and sales tax on almost everything they buy. They have been indoctrinated in the government school system to believe that paying half of everything one earns in the form of fees and taxes is not a form of slavery. Further, the ‘Land of the Free" has the highest per capita rates in the world of the following: incarceration rate, police, lawyers. We have over 90% of the worlds’ lawyers and less than 5% of the worlds’ population. Crime is the leading growth industry in the UNITED STATES! Unconstitutional confiscation of property by government (not authorized by the Constitution, and many not even be actual government agencies) is a multi-Billion dollar per year industry. In fact, confiscation laws allow government instrumentalities to take property without warrants, criminal charges, or convictions - just the agency or instrumentality’s whim.

When a government officer, whether elected or appointed, takes his/her position, he/she swears an oath to uphold the Constitution. That officer should uphold that oath or be held accountable for not upholding it. Their job is to uphold and defend the Constitution, not pander to the money interests.

The united States Constitution provides that the government shall provide a republican form of government to each of the states. The pledge of allegiance states, ‘…to the flag and to the republic for which it stands’. It does not say democracy - it says republicArticle IV, Section 4 states, "The United States shall guarantee every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government". Our government agents have violated their Oaths of Office (betrayed their country and its principles) by allowing us to be taught that we live in a democracy. The government knows the difference and will go to many lengths to obfuscate the truth. Looking in the United States of America U.S. Government Training Manual, No. 2000-25, War Department, Washington, dated November 30, 1928 and prepared under the direction of the Chief of Staff.

"Democracy: A government of the masses. Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of "direct" expression. This results in “mobocracy”. The attitude toward property is communistic - negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether it be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences. Results in demagoguism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy." (Demagogue - a leader who makes use of popular prejudices, false claims, and promises in order to gain power).

"Democracy is a form of government that can not long survive, for as soon as people learn that they have a voice in fiscal policies of the government, they will vote for themselves all the money in the treasury, and bankrupt the nation." Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto


"Republic: Authority is derived from the election by the people of public officials best fitted to represent them. Attitude toward property is respect for laws and individual rights, and a sensible economic procedure. Attitude toward law is the administration of justice in accord with fixed principles and established evidence, with strict regard to consequences. Avoids the dangerous extreme of either tyranny or monocracy. Results in statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and progress IS the "standard form" of government throughout the world. A republic form is a form of government under the Constitution which provides for the election of the executive, a legislative body (which legislates only for government), and a judiciary." (Emphasis added). A republic is self-governing.

Another example; both the Texas Constitution (Article II, Section 2) and the United States of America Constitution (Article 1, Section 10) provide that only Gold and Silver (Coin or Specie) shall be offered as tender and payment of debt. Can you recall when you last received gold or silver coin in payment? Both have been unlawfully banned by Congress - yet there were no constitutional amendments allowing the government to do so.

Back in 1918 the government wanted to ban alcohol. The Constitution was amended (18th Amendment) to take effect Jan. 29, 1920. After ten years of juries failing to convict the majority of alcohol related cases Prohibition was repealed by the 21st Amendment effective Feb. 6, 1933. Now you go to jail for smoking marijuana. Where is the Constitutional Amendment that authorized that? Under whose authority was that law passed? Is there even a law passed that allows the enforcement of incarceration of the We the People for smoking marijuana?

The republic of Texas does not advocate smoking marijuana or doing anything else that may be harmful to your health, nor does the republic of Texas believe that anyone has the right or authority to tell another what they can or can’t do with respect to their values and lifestyle, nor do they have the right to impose their values upon the Sovereign People. The point in the previous illustration is that something has changed! It is readily apparent that our government is not following its Constitution - the document from which it derives its authority. If the government is not following its own rules of existence, then it is not a lawful government, but a tyrannical anarchy using its force (guns, imprisonment, and theft ) to extort property from its Sovereigns!

Q. What is meant by sovereign person/people?

A. The Declaration of Independence and Constitution recognized and clearly stated that the government was created by We the People, the Sovereigns. The government is the created entity and derives its power from the people. It does not rule the people (unless the people give their permission to be ruled). The land of Texas was given "to the people forever", the people, not to the government. There is no document in existence showing that the people gave the land to the government (by the terms of the treaty, it could not be taken by the government). After the Revolutionary War King George gave the lands and Sovereignty to the American People - not the US Government. If you read and study to the slightest degree, the Constitution you will find that every one of We the People as individuals each have the power of 1200 presidents, congress men, or judges be they local, federal, or the supreme Court. The republic of Texas believes that the People should know these facts and take appropriate steps to hold their government and its agents responsible for their collective and individual breaches of duty.


A sovereign person is one from whom the government derives its authority. A sovereign assumes responsibility for his/her own actions and welfare. A sovereign does not look to the government to guide his/her life, provide his/her sustenance, health care, or myriad government services paid for by stealing money from other sovereigns to pay for those who don’t want to assume responsibility for their own well being.

The Sovereigns of the republic of Texas understand that the best government is the one that governs the least. Look at the current government of the UNITED STATES. Before its representatives voted in a central bank (Karl Marx‘s Communist Manifesto Plank number 5), the Federal Reserve (a privately owned monopoly) the US Government was among the wealthiest in the world. After 91 years of depressions, recessions, and inflationary periods, the UNITED STATES is the world’s biggest debtor, and cannot possibly pay the creditors, because the UNITED STATES has no money, only paper. The UNITED STATES has no currency of its own; it must borrow every dollar used from The Federal Reserve (not a government agency, but a private, for profit, foreign international corporation that pays no taxes on its profits). The creditors control the country, instead of We the People (and you wondered why taxes are always increasing and wages are not keeping pace). The creditors understand that in a democracy, the masses will always vote for the best government handout, thereby strengthening the creditors’ position of control over the government and the people.

The republic of Texas Constitution provides for gold and silver as tender of payment for debt. Having seen the consequences of paper or fiat currency, the republic strictly abides by all its constitutional provisions regarding gold and silver.


Q. How does this affect the average ‘Texan"?

A. As an example of the fraud upon the people of Texas, we will look at property taxes. There are many more, but this one is quite simple and blatantly obvious. According to the current STATE OF TEXAS CONSTITUTION, Article 8, Section 1-e ABOLITION OF AD VALOREM PROPERTY TAXES. No ad valorem taxes shall be levied upon any property within this State. The State legislature is the law making body of the STATE OF TEXAS. If the TEXAS CONSTITUTION forbids the legislature from levying ad valorem taxes, and the cities and counties get their authority from the Texas Legislature and the Constitution, how can there possibly be any legal or lawful authority to levy ad valorem taxes on your home or other property?

Surely the government wouldn’t allow something like this to happen, would it? Go back to Karl Marx - government controlled schools, Plank number 10 of the Communist Manifesto! Add to this that the creditors of the UNITED STATES dictate that they be paid the money loaned to them, or they will bankrupt the government, it provides a framework for understanding the ways the members of the government go around the constitution to do whatever they have to, to protect their cushy jobs, benefits, and status. Because of the people’s ignorance of the law (they are too busy working to pay their mortgage and taxes to learn the law), the programming done through the government controlled news media, television shows, movies, etc., the governments are able to pretty much able to do whatever they please, because the people are programmed to act in ways that are beneficial to the government, not themselves. Most people don’t even realize the difference between the two terms people and persons. Nor do they recognize the lawful and legal distinctions between proudly professing to be a US Citizen, as opposed to being an American. The difference between the two is no less than the difference between night and day. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know and understand the differences? To many - who cares – that is just your interpretation! To the knowledgeable, it means the difference between being treated as a slave, or a master! Is it any wonder that it is not in the government’s best interest for you to know which one you are?

Multa ignoramus quae nobis non laterent si veterem lectio nobis fuit familiaris. We are ignorant of many things, which would not be hidden from us if the reading of old authors was familiar to us.

The republic of Texas is committed to having all of its Citizens know who they are, and to understand that the republic of Texas government is the servant of the people, not the master. That may not be a popular thought, but if you take the time to read the Constitution that was created by the founding fathers of these countries, Texas and the united States of America (a constitutional federation), you will understand that the power belongs with the people. The governments can not exist without the power of the people. If the government had not tricked you into assuming the debt that it created, the creditors would not loan them another dime. Why would a country that prints its own money, at anytime it wants to, need to tax you in order to keep their ’business’ going? If that country allowed you to be paid in gold and silver, would you let them come into your house and take your wealth, your national treasures, your national parks, your national rivers and lakes? I only ask because that is what is being done in America today! You are denied the ability to accumulate real wealth, because your government has squandered and wasted wealth on a scale that is unimaginable by even the most educated person. Many knowledge able people believe that it is time to take back America. We Texians believe that it is time to take back our Nation too, and bestow upon it and its Citizens their rightful place among the Nations of the world.

If you would like to learn more about the republic of Texas, the Nation, (not the same as the Republic of Texas Association)* controlled by the bankrupt UNITED STATES government, call our information line, 979-777-7177 for contact information, send us an email     INFO@TexasRepublic.Info/  and/or attend one of our local meetings in your area.



 * There is an association (an organization organized under the authority of THE STATE OF TEXAS) in OVERTON, TEXAS legally known as "The Republic of Texas Association". This association admits (in court on the court record) it exists under the laws of THE STATE OF TEXAS, thereby owing its existence to THE STATE OF TEXAS. As such, it is incapable of representing the People of Texas, and can only represent residents of THE STATE OF TEXAS. The lawful reality is that any authority for THE STATE OF TEXAS to exist must, and can, arise only from the Republic of Texas Constitution. Therefore, (a difficult concept - reality) THE STATE OF TEXAS exists only as a fictional corporation through its agreements and contracts with persons (not the same as people) of Texas. THE STATE OF TEXAS is an unlawful usurper on the land of Texas, a Sovereign Nation.

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