Saturday, October 3, 2020


 Submitted by: Robert Bowen

Dr Fauci's First Fraud Exposed (Let This Video Go viral)
Dr. Kelley told me that AIDS is a form of cancer for they took down the Cancer sign at Fr. Dietrich and replaced it with Aids research back them but first they had to gather all the money the could for “finding” a cure for cancer, ha, ha., still going on, and their new fake was AIDS which I believe Robert Gallo has a patient on it, not sure but he has several patents on several diseases, check it out.

Fauci is an Jesuit and should be executed along with Gates and others for murdering all the people that he has and especially with the COVID 18 fraud.  Dr. Cown deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for his new book, Contagion Myth, for exposing the lies of COVID 19.

You see, they always have to finance their fake agendas and  first they established the cancer fund raising program, still in existence today and the cure has never been found, and their next program was AIDS after they got their cancer program up and running.

No one knew the enemy better than Dr. Kelley for he battled with them until his death over the real, natural cure for cancer that the medical profession was prohibited to tell their patients about for it would ruin cancer, the big money maker for the medical and pharmaceutical companies.

However, the judgment this country is going through currently is based on one thing:  We as a people and children of Yahweh God Almighty, have disobeyed every rule, law, that our Heavenly Father laid out for us in the book we call the Bible.  We were warned in Deut. 28 about curses and blessings.  Since we failed to listen or follow the natural laws we were given to enjoy His blessings, we now have to suffer the curses that He warned us about eons ago.  And so, the righteous have to suffer along with the unrighteous until Yahweh Bod Almighty returns to clean up the “stinking” mess we have made of the entire planet for our total disobedience of His laws, statutes, ordinances and commandments.  As the old saying goes, “payback is a real b—ch."

On Oct 3, 2020, at 9:45 AM, .com wrote:

This is an outstanding MUST WATCH documentary on the AIDS (is caused by a virus) hoax.    

There's a lot of similarities between the AIDS virus hoax and the COVID-1984 virus hoax such as the fake test kits used to diagnose fake viral infections, the censorship of the truth, and people dying from the treatments much more than from any real illnesses.    

And of course, Dr. Fraudci is heavily involved with these two fake virus hoaxes (and many others over his long career in medical deception).


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