Saturday, September 26, 2020


 Submitted by: Craig Maus & J Cryots

You are all aware of what is happening in America today.    

  The Political EVIL that we Confederates have spoken about for years on end has FINALLY revealed itself.    


  Only now are many beginning to awaken & realize what has been done to them & America by the malignant parasites masquerading as ‘representatives’.    


  As President Trump said: “It’s a Rigged System.”   



  Perhaps hearing it from a sitting President has had a greater impact on you than our earlier-on warnings… we can only hope & pray.    


  We have been calling the Democrat Party AND a slew of Republicans Marxists for some time.    


  Now others are ‘catching up’ to where we were over 30 years ago and identifying them, finally, as the MARXISTS we said they were!    


  The Democratic Party of OLD is NO MORE.    

  Describing them as Socialists is SOFT!    

  They are the imperial worse- MARXISTS!    


  The Democratic party was commandeered long ago. Y’all simply didn’t see it.    

  Most never saw it coming or happening because it was done over a protracted period of time.    

  Steadily they have been worsening resulting in a demonic political cult & here are just a FEW of the names you can identify with, including several of their RepubliCON allies:    


Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talib, AOC, Presley, Waters, Lee, Warren, Sanders, Clinton, Biden, Harris, Durbin, Bush, Romney, Ryan, Boehner, Kerry, Reid, LBJ, Pelosi, Schumer, Holder, Lynch, Rice, Comey, McCabe, Stzrok, and so MANY, MANY MORE!    

… and that doesn’t include their Governors, Mayors, City Councils and Local District Attorneys & Judges who are ALL part of the same Incubus.    


The ‘Judges’ they have appointed over time like Emmet Sullivan and those in the infamous Southern District Court of New York and the 9th Circuit Court are    

ALL Judicial MARXISTS BUT…    

ALL DONE while YOU were SLEEPING.    


“Those People”, as General Lee called them, have been building their Babylon at our expense for decades.    

From endless and stupid Wars that made NO SENSE that produced NOTHING but CO$T TRILLION$ with our Troops being sacrificed at Their Alter of Political Correctness and for what?    


We tried to WARN Y’all but many, sadly, bought & subsequently drank 

Their Kool-Aid….    

 Resulting in MANY having been made Blind because of it.    


  Race has been used for decades to hide, disguise AND divide us ALL.    

  This too we spoke about pleading with ALL to awaken from their Politically Induced Coma while these Marxists were plotting & playing us ALL day in and day out.    


  The Rioting & Looting you are seeing today is but the last ‘Denominator’ in Their ‘March’ to Political Supremacy.    


  “Those People” openly APPLAUD & ADVOCATE for this anarchy & chaos to CONTINUE making NO BONES about where they are coming from.    

  They have taken the ‘Gloves’ off & have, at Long Last, removed their Scarlet Masks revealing ALL the UGLINESS & INTENTIONS of THEIR TRUE SELVES.    


If Y’all understood the History that was NEVER taught YOU, you would understand that today’s conditions are EVERY BIT THE SAME as those that    

WERE PERCOLATING long before 1860 ever came about.    


  To ‘Connect that Dot’ with what is occurring Today would help you understand what has been afoot for many decades.    

  It has been hiding deep within the recesses of a plagiarized government just waiting for the time to UNLEASH itself upon an unsuspecting public.    


Do YOU also recall what our Confederate Society shared with you on earlier occasions with respect to our former Confederation of Sovereign States?  


That “We have been Targeted for Total Extinction!”    


Because we are the Last Rampart remaining between Total Subjugation & Freedom.    

OUR RED STATES continue to Hold the KEY for without us, 

NO GENERAL ELCTION CANDIDATE can win the Presidency.    


Our former Confederation of Sovereign States holds 168 electoral votes & if Virginia were to be ‘re-included’, it would be 181…    

and with the number of People FLEEING from the ravished North, those numbers are about to go up.    


Now do Y’all understand why we have been so demonized by the so-called ‘Humanitarians’ like Biden, Harris and the entire lot who haven’t DONE ANYTHING but    



We are in THEIR WAY just as we were 155 years ago.    

The BLUE STATES (CA, NY, NJ, MN, WA, OR) account for 150 electoral votes.    


It’s like ‘Spotting the BAD GUYS’ 150 points BEFORE the GAME even begins and it ONLY takes 270 electoral votes to win!    


  Are Y’all ‘Connecting the Dots now?’    

  That is why WE have been targeted.    

  They need our NET WORTH (what our land produces & what we pay in Taxes) to SUPPORT THEM. It’s EVERY BIT the same as before !      


  We are a THREAT to “Those People” and that is why Hillary referred to us as “IRREDEEMABLES” in a fit of distemper when she openly SLIPPED.    


  Do Y’all see what is happening & why?    


  “Those Peoples’ “ CANCEL CULTURE is part of ALL this.    

  Our ERADICATION MUST BE MADE PERMANENT and then…. YOU will follow.    


  And if in you had ANY doubts, just take a look at what “Those People” have done to the People up North what with Bloated Taxes and mass importation of Illegals who they will give Voting Rights to along with their Drugs in Their Sanctuary Cities.    


  Do YOU think this has all been just happen chance?    

  Do YOU think this would not have an eventual consequence?    

  Ultimately, a ‘house’ built upon a rotten foundation is bound to collapse!    


  I have lived under 13 Presidents.    

  I have seen this nation deteriorate steadily since the 1960’s.    


 The DEMONcrap party is CORRUPT to the CORE.    

 “Those People” would sell their own mother out for a price.    


 They have used RACE much like a Pimp uses woman for his/their own personal good.    


 These TWO TWAINS , the BLUE and the RED are incapable of coexisting as one.    

 Only a Fool would believe that.    

 Would YOU expect a Capitalist & a Communist to coexist in the same country much less in the same government?    


 They are polar opposites of one another in every imaginable & conceivable manner.    


It is Incumbent upon the Communist to DESTROY ANYTHING that would threaten the core of its Ideology.    


Thus WE the PEOPLE are in Their Way just as Our Sovereign Confederate States were & continue to be in THEIR WAY… change History, alter it and re-educate the populace and the    

Last Remnant of the Patriotic Base will be  VAPORIZED… Never again to be heard or seen from!    


A Country that knows NOT of Its History, Origin and Culture is like a Ship without a Rudder for, Sooner or Later It Will, NOT IF, Destroy Itself on the Reef of Stupidity!    


For GOD, Family and the Republic of the Original Confederation (Confederate) of Sovereign & Independent States,    


Craig Maus,    

President, The Confederate Society of America    

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