Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Submitted by: Ebau

From: lyle@lylerapacki.com
Sent: 9/8/2020 5:14:42 AM Eastern Standard Time
Subject: Harbinger Part I; Part II; Part III >
                                  LYLE J. RAPACKI, Ph.D.
Tuesday - September the 7th, 2020   /   Hebraic Year 5780
"Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me" (Ezekiel 3:17).  The role of a watchman is to warn and teach.
"...But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the shofar, so that the people are warned,; and then the sword comes and takes any of them, I will hold the watchman responsible for the deaths" (Ezekiel 33:6).
Mentioned below is a three part interview of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn by Dr. James Dobson.  Dr. Dobson is a nationally known Christian Psychologist and Founder of Focus on the Family.  It was my privilege to be a clinical associate of Dr. Dobson's Christian Counselors Association many years ago during my years in private clinical practice. Rabbi Cahn is known for his announcements forewarning America to turn from her wicked ways, repent, and come back to submitting (cooperating) with the Lord.  The three interviews below will plainly present the warnings (Harbingers) of coming severe disciplines and possible judgements for the Land called America if the people of this Land refuse to repent and resubmit to walk in the ways of the Lord.  On Tuesday, August 13th, 2019, I was directed by the Lord to Sound the Shofar of Warning.  Directly below are the Words of the Lord given to me to proclaim and warn on that day:
FOR THOSE WHO HAVE EYES TO SEE AND EARS TO HEAR! Now hear the sound - the Shofar of Warning being blown; seek wisdom and direction to prepare yourself, but NOT from man and NOT from institutions, and NOT in sleepy feel-good churches that spend time entertaining and speaking words that feel good but bring no positive change.  Many, very many of those that call themselves a House of Worship do NOT worship Me nor prepare My people to stand against the mighty winds from the Storm of Justice I have unleashed on this Land called America.  Many, very many of these gatherings that meet in My Name do NOT humble themselves, pray and seek repentance which moves Me to bring restoration.  My watchman, including some I have called to apostolic roles using their gifting to sound the alarm of a storm now released by My Hand on this Land called America have been ignored!  This Storm of Justice is like a mighty, mighty whirlwind pulling apart every hidden and occultic thought, practice, belief, and agenda.  That which has been deeply covered-up shall be revealed, and many, many shall be confronted with the hidden natures in their inner being hidden from many, including their perception, hidden from Me.  Many, many gatherings claiming to be My House of Worship shall be confronted with a decision; a declaration they shall have to make and then act upon...I AM calling a Remnant to Holiness as My servant Isaiah declared in Chapters 3 and 4!  I AM calling a Remnant and have already begun empowering this Remnant to stand against the war that is coming, and already has been unleashed upon this Land called America.  Many, very many in the gathering places claiming to be My House of Worship are too occupied with being entertained, not challenged to reflect or search their hearts for proper attitudes even in the moments of receiving My discipline. Tell those who have ears to hear and eyes to see that My discipline is not to be confused with My punishment. I desire to discipline those whom I love, but many will be those who will refuse to receive My discipline, and they shall see the results of their stubborn and self-serving ways. Discipline and Holiness work together for good!  I AM calling those who have ears to hear to walk in submission (cooperation) with My plan, My ways...NOT man's plans nor man's ways including those men leading gatherings claiming to be My House of Worship.  Now Son of Man...share with My Remnant, and those who have ears to hear and eyes to see, what I have been showing you!
Thus Saith the Lord -
America is standing at a precipice dangerously close to falling into a miasma of a Serbonian Bog. The preponderant majority of churches are silent!  The preponderant majority of pastors are pre-occupied!  There is NO call to repentance from which restoration can derive. The Lord is saying, and has been showing those who have eyes to see, this Land named America which He consecrated has rejected Him!  As Rabbi Cahn presents most clearly, if the people of America do not humble themselves by repenting from their sins (acute and grievous errors), and turn from their wicked ways, and seek the Lord, the world shall be shocked at the sight of the severe discipline, even punishment, upon this country that once stood as a beacon of light on a hill for the world to see.  But America has abandoned Adonai who created this Nation to be exceptional for its' choices following God's mandates, even as prescribed in our founding documents. 
Please take the time to listen; no...to study the words from Rabbi Cahn you will hear in the three interviews below.
PART I:      https://youtu.be/TIYrMWuUR6g
        Lyle -

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