Thursday, July 30, 2020


-----FROM THE CONSERVATIVE CAUCUS-----Since 1974-----
As American cities are falling into a state of lawlessness, city governments are labeling police as the threat – NOT the criminals and NOT the rioters.

In Minneapolis, the city council responded to a historic increase in gun violence by cutting the police budget and pledging to abolish the police force.
In Portland, every night a mob attacks the Federal courthouse, sometimes even setting fire to it. 
Federal police officers defending the building have been seriously injured.
However, Portland refuses to let its own police help and demands that the Federal police be withdrawn, leaving the courthouse unprotected.
In Richmond, “peaceful protests” in support of the Portland’s so called “peaceful protests” turned violent.  The response of the mayor was to not blame the rioters but supposed outside agitators who were said to be “white”. 
The evidence provided by the mayor was so weak that even The Washington Post, usually willing to accept even the skimpiest proof for such charges, found it unconvincing.
The Seattle Chief of Police warned that under new rules, the police have “NO ability to safely intercede to preserve property in the midst of a large, violent crowd.”
The Left is taking cities down such a dangerous road that the African American Mayors Association formally condemned the idea of abolishing or defunding the police.
Is America a land ruled by law, or by rioting mobs?
Will any of us be safe when we step outside our homes?
Liberals in Congress want to pass legislation to bring urban lawlessness to every corner of America.  They want to put handcuffs on our police, and give a free hand to the criminals.
Don’t let this happen.  Call your Representative and Senators (the Congressional switchboard number is 202-224-3121), and tell them to stand behind our police.  Don’t let law and order become nothing but a fond memory.

Peter Thomas

Peter J. Thomas
Chairman, The Conservative Caucus

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