Monday, March 9, 2020


Submitted by: J Cryots

CNN wants you to believe a “fetus that was born” is NOT a “newborn baby.”
To All, 

CNN’s dehumanization of the unborn ramped up to a shocking new high recently, as reporter Caroline Kelly nearly tripped over herself trying to find a way to deny the fact that babies are actually human beings.

In covering last weeks’ Senate cloture motion on the Born Alive Act, Kelly described the bill as a measure to “preserve the life and health of a fetus that was born following an attempted abortion as they would for a newborn baby.”

Newsflash, Ms. Kelly: A “fetus that was born” is by definition a “newborn baby.”

But abortion mongers don’t want you to believe that. Ms. Kelly, CNN and the pro-abortion crowd now want you to believe that a baby is only a human being if its mother wants it!

And sadly, far too many of our churches are remaining silent instead of speaking TRUTH about such overt lies.

Planned Parenthood loves this distortion, I’m sure, because $1.7 billion a year is at stake. The more the American public is lied to about the TRUTH of what happens in their “clinics,” the more BABIES they can butcher – even after live birth, thanks to the votes of 41 Senate Democrats who successfully filibustered the Born-Alive bill last week.

And it means more money for Moloch & Baal’s modern servants at Planned Parenthood who can add to their blood-drenched bank accounts. And again, our churches remain far too silent.

I have a few questions for Ms. Kelly & Planned Parenthood:

1.  If a “fetus that was born” is not a human being simply because its mother did not want it, how long after the baby is born can you kill the child? An hour? A day? A year? Two years?

2.  How much will Planned Parenthood charge for killing a two-year-old “fetus,” and for how much will they sell the child’s “parts”?
For decades, abortionists have used the word “fetus” in an attempt to dehumanize the life that grows in a mother’s womb. Now they want to dehumanize the baby even after it is born! Life for these people has no value, other than what they can get paid to destroy it and distribute it.

Pray for Caroline Kelly and her colleagues at CNN. Pray for the heartless abortionists. Pray for those who have been deluded by the baby butchers’ dehumanizing lies. And help us defeat Planned Parenthood in courtrooms and the court of public opinion TODAY.
The best possible way to defeat the pro-abortion “re-education” of America is to get our churches and our preachers doing exactly what God intended them to do: SPEAKING OUT!

Far too many of our churches have been deceived into thinking they cannot speak out on political issues. This lie, and the resulting silence from our pulpits, is literally destroying the very fabric of America.

That’s why we developed the SILENCE IS NOT AN OPTION Action Pack – to educate churches, pastors and lay people on exactly what the federal non-profit laws allow. This is crucial, because your church can speak God’s Word – even concerning the political issues of our day – boldly and unafraid.

If YOUR pastor is not preaching on the evil of abortion from the pulpit, he needs our Silence Is Not an Option Patriot Pack. Order it NOW so we can save America’s babies – Select Here

In Christ,
Mat Staver,
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. Your generous support helps us to prepare educational materials like our SILENCE IS NOT AN OPTION Action Pack even as we provide legal defense at no charge to Christians attacked by adversaries who despise our deeply-held, biblical values. Please, select here to give generously TODAY!

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