Thursday, January 9, 2020


William Homolka writes:

To the Public Servants Tyrant Wannabes of Virginia

A Commentary From

As more unconstitutional laws are being proposed in the commonwealth of Virginia regarding gun control/confiscation, we are long overdue for a reality check. First, don't engage these Democrat communists in a debate about the Second Amendment. That document remains intact within the U.S. Constitution which continues as the law of our land. Rather, ask these bozos some pointed questions and DEMAND answers from them. 

First, the governor, and all personnel serving in the legislatures are ELECTED by the people of Virginia to REPRESENT them, NOT RULE OVER them. Demands for new laws should come from the people in the districts. From what I've seen, the constituency of Virginia is OPPOSED to these laws. Therefore, these representatives must honor their wishes. Has there been a consensus of the people of Virginia that THEY want more gun control/confiscation laws? Have these representatives to include the governor ASKED FOR THEIR INPUT on this matter? I think not!!  SO, WHO IS DIRECTING THESE REPRESENTATIVES AND THE GOVERNOR TO CREATE AND PASS THESE PROPOSED LAWS INTO THE LAW OF THE STATE??  GEORGE SOROS, INC??? Not only do these laws violate the Second Amendment, but I don't believe they represent the will of the voting citizens of the state of Virginia!  So, who in hell are these self-appointed morons to (1) write unconstitutional laws, (2) ram them down the throats of the people THEY SUPPOSEDLY REPRESENT who object them, and (3) who are these "REPRESENTATIVES" to threaten the constituency of Virginia with fines and jail time for violating unconstitutional laws they neither support of want? 

To all recipients, you have my permission to copy, paste and send this material to the elected public servants of the great state of Virginia. Just kindly DEMAND A RESPONSE from all of them. If they cannot legally, ethically justify their actions - and they cannot - THEY ARE THE LAWBREAKERS here. And they are. NEVER SURRENDER YOUR FIREARMS MY FELLOW COUNTRYMEN... NEVER!! Once they disarm us, they will begin arresting us, torturing us, and killing us!! Just ask the people of Venezuela, the freedom fighters there that Maduro's communist goons haven't killed yet. 

William Homolka, CEO,,  New York 

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