Sunday, January 5, 2020


Friends and Associates:

Maybe you are old enough to remember the Cuban Missile Crisis and the fear of WW III during the Kennedy era, as I do, living in Miami and hearing the constant flyovers of military bombers heading to Homestead AFB. "Duck and Cover" was an every day training exercise in my 6th grade class and classes nationwide.

Today, we are closer now to WW III more than most any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

"Google searches for terms such as "conscription", "Selective Service" and "Iran" spiked, according to Trends data, as youthful social media users on platforms like TikTok and Instagram dealt with this collective political anxiety the best way they knew how: by spinning out endless memes about getting drafted in a hypothetical, but seemingly imminent, World War III."

The Selective Service website crashed today as young men are attempting to check their status for those between the age of 18 and 25.

The DRAFT ended in 1973 and for the Conscript to begin again, would take an act by Congress.

The entire world is watching and the United States is in the cross-hairs by Iran. Trump is in a damn if he does and a damn if he doesn't react to Iran....which is expected soon.

How bad are things presently? Trump and the American people are up against, not only Iran, but the dangerous and out-of-control Democrat Communist Party. Example: If Iran launched a nuke from a freighter ship off the coast of Florida, Trump MIGHT NOT get "authority" from Congress to "go to war.."

Then what?? Trump's hand would be forced to immediately begin arresting the treasonous bastards in Washington (under Martial Law) and Trump becomes America's first dictator.....

America is in a serious quagmire and how this all goes down is anyone's guess, but is a time to get prepared for the worse case scenario and hope for the best.

Fill-up your vehicles and have extra fuel containers filled. Fuel prices are expected to rise very soon.

Stock-up on dry foods and can food....and extra pet food.

Stay away from large sports events and large malls. [Supposedly] there are Iranian sleeper cells ready to act.

Have plenty of batteries for radios since America's grid system security is an absolute and shameful joke. A transformer blown-up would take at least 90 days for a replacement FROM CHINA?????

If you live near the Canadian or Mexican border, be mentally prepared to do your shopping in those countries for food and fuel (if their grid is not shutdown). Segments of Mexico are tied-in to America's grid system.

Have extra cash on-hand from your ATM since [supposedly] Iran has already launched a cyber attack on the financial system.

If you live in a cold climate, you might be without heat. If you are able to travel, contact me here and I can suggest various places, based-on your needs near the Mexican border.

I've been planning for this for the last 13 years and knew this day would come.

Things are expected to get worse in the next week or two.....

We are likely going to hear (soon) of a full blown attack inside Iran and latest intel chatter says, our military forces will have just under one hour to do the most damage possible before Russia responds. More than an hour, many aircraft will be in peril on both sides.

Iran is already launching scud missiles into Iraq.....  

God Bless America and our Armed Forces.

---Dave Bertrand

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