Saturday, November 2, 2019


Submitted by: W.G.E.N.

Anyone who has known me for a number of years knows my total opposition to Females in positions of power and authority.  In years past I have written  reams of comments on this topic.  One finds few females in scriptures in the roles of leadership - for good reason - they were called upon generally when a GOOD MAN wasn't there to do the job. 

I have often repeated the saying that 'most' men think logically and "most' females think EMOTIONALLY.  I noticed back in the 70's as the big push for female rule began big time.  In fact I was invited to speak at one of the feminist organizing meetings in Federal Way, WA as I was a well known woman in the business community and they thought I would be very sympathetic to their agenda.  Boy - were they WRONG!!  Needless to say my speech didn't fit their agenda and I have no doubt they were much more careful in making sure those they invited to speak were in sync with their goals.  Needless to say I was never invited to speak to their groups again.  

I do believe that Satan chose Eve rather than Adam to beguile in the garden because he knew the weakness of the female (emotional over logic).  Men were created to be the HEAD of the family unit and Woman to be the nurturer and care giver.  All these power hungry females in this world are just like the character of Satan when he rebelled against God and then took one third of the angels with him as he was removed from heaven.  The power hungry females are rebelling against God just as Satan did.  They have taken their AGENDA to force a lot of weak men into adapting an effeminate nature which has also contributed to the increase in the acceptance of the Lesbian and Sodomite personalities which are everywhere now - and has morphed into the Trans Gender garbage that is going wild world wide.

I found it funny how the sender of the post below quotes from Taylor Caldwell.  Back in the 80's I had a ton of paperbacks written by her.  Loved her style of writing along with Ayn Rand.

As you read the post below  look at the females in politics right now.  Look at how they are tearing America to total destruction.  Think of how the QUALITY of the police dept, the fire dept, the U.S. Military has gone down hill since the open doors to females took place.  How many of you really want a 5'6", 140 lb female to be 'rescuing' you from the top floor of a burning building and carrying you down that ladder?   

As always, there are those rare exceptions but they are RARE and they are EXCEPTIONS.
God does not make mistakes and His creations were all based on LOGIC - it was the Serpent who rebelled and has been doing all possible to destroy what God created.  Satan is not going to win (he lost when Christ rose from the dead) but I hope that all who read this will not be a victim of the lies and temptations Satan uses to take as many to the Lake of Fire as he can.  It is all part of his scheme to destroy what God created.

This is why the pure HATRED of the Left (feminine) against  Pres. Trump (masculine).  This is a lot more than plain politics - it is all part and parcel of the Spiritual war we are engaged in in this world today.

Jackie Juntti
It isn't who you are - It is WHOSE you are ! ! !

A son of mine sent me the quote below my comments. 

"Democracy" has become a word more sacrosanct than "God" these days - for purposes of the same old bunch's agendas.  When I was school age we were constantly reminded by our teachers that democracy is nothing but emotional mob rule and that we lived in a republic with a rule of law.  The only thing democratic about the U.S. was the vote.  Of course, that too does not work when the people lose their Christian morality and vote for such things as personal gain at the expense of others.  What they end up with then is what we have now - the totalitarianism of misnamed "socialism."

Taylor Caldwell's political definitions of "masculine" and "feminine" below are truths that cannot be deposed.  She gives here the true reasons of why civilization was created with men as the just control of it and women the custodians of the needs of the family.  Obviously she saw the truth of Catholic hierarchy rot allowing the soon coming Vatican II, the talmudic/freemasonic/satanic conquest of the Vatican.  Her words below make modern day "politically correct" statements - especially those concerning sex - look as insane, stupid and laughably ridiculous as they are. 

Tony B. 

From my son:

I know I've quoted this before, but it keeps getting truer and truer (emphasis mine).
Taylor Caldwell quote on effeminate men in Rome
From The Dear and Glorious Physician, published in 1958. It's from a novel and these words are put in another's mouth, but this is basically just political commentary. Imagine what she would think of American society in 2019.

"...I know that it was inevitable that Rome become what she is. Republics decay into democracies, and democracies degenerate into dictatorships. That fact is immutable. When there is equality and democracies always bring equality the people become faceless, they lose power and initiative, they lose pride and independence, they lose their splendor.

Republics are masculine,
 and so they beget the sciences and the arts; they are prideful, heroic and virile. They emphasize God, and glorify Him. But Rome has decayed into a confused democracy, and has acquired feminine traits, such as materialism, greed, the lust for power, and expediency.

Masculinity in nations and men is demonstrated by law, idealism, justice and poesy, femininity by materialism, dependency on others, gross emotionalism, and absence of genius.

 seeks what is right;
 femininity seeks what is immediately satisfying. Masculinity is vision; femininity ridicules vision. masculine nation produces philosophers, and has a respect for the individual; a feminine nation has an insensate desire to control and dominate.
Masculinity is aristocratic; femininity has no aristocracy, and is happy only if it finds about it a multitude of faces resembling it exactly, and a multitude of voices echoing its own tiny sentiments and desires and fears and follies. Rome has become feminine... And feminine nations and feminine men inevitably die or are destroyed by a masculine people."
pp. 425-426

United States... "feminine." Russia... "masculine."

And when she writes that a feminine society is " happy only if it finds about it a multitude of faces resembling it exactly..." she couldn't be more on the mark. Consider how intolerant "liberals" (so-called) are against anyone who disagrees with them on any minute detail. And these morons call this complete intolerance "diversity."

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