Thursday, October 3, 2019


BERTRAND DAILY REPORT The War For Your Mind and Soul Continues
                                        Top 10 Militia Commanders of the Revolutionary War
Subject: Militia Surge in America as the 'COUP' Progresses, Time to Prepare---Videos

Friends and Associates:

Destroying America by the Democrat Communist Party via a 'Coup' and a corrupt media are setting America up for a potential attack from a foreign military. Vulnerability of appearing weak and unresponsive to the 'Coup' sets the stage for anything and everything involving National Security.

Forget election meddling, the possibility of a Civil War and the cancellation of elections under Martial Law is edging closer to a reality. 

While the majority of America's military are outside the United States, including National Guard Units, the last defense inside America are the growing militia units of military trained veterans and citizens.

A number of state governors have welcomed militias into the State Defense Force (SDF) and provide a vital role in an emergency crisis. Other states look at militia's as old white guys playing army on the weekends with assault weapons that need to be banned. Just look at what party runs that state to better understand why THEY do not want common citizens defending themselves....

"Because they believe a mishmash of conflicting ideas, militia members are very easy to manipulate.  A good example is the crew of about 80 that originally rushed to the aid of Cliven Bundy, a common thief, over an issue of unpaid rent."--Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)

Hmmm...."easy to manipulate?" The BLM and their SWAT Team with assault weapons pointed at Cliven Bundy and his cowboys with about 80 patriots, mostly militia with weapons, DID NOT stand-down and forced the BLM Swat Teams to put down their weapons and remove themselves. Cliven Bundy was later acquitted in a court of law. 

Regardless of the Communist Left rhetoric and demonization of White guys training for an emergency as nothing more than White Supremacists and KKK counter-parts, the reality says differently. 

"The language of the Constitution granted the federal government the power to call forth the militia of the United States, but left the states the ability to appoint officers and to train their militias."

A foreign government or Communists within our Republic know their enemy could be the farmer down the road or the Pastor of a church, but knowing that a very large resistance in rural America exists, the only other option for the Communists is to ban weapons that could be used against them !

If this 'COUP' in America is successful and we lose Trump to an assassination, you can bet that all those involved will be armed to the teeth and will avoid their offices and any social event.

It's easy for the Left to throw labels around like, "Terrorist, Conspiracy Theorist, White Nationalist, White Supremacist, Bigots, Homophobes,  NAZI's, Deplorables, etc, etc" every single day by the fakestream media in hopes their constituents soak-in the propaganda....and hope their White constituents cower and lower their heads as they pass-by anyone of color.....but they don't speak of the millions of those of color that support President Trump.

Knowing the history of how Militia's began goes back to when the British (WHITE DUDES) in red coats attempted to assume control over 13 Colonies and dis-arm everyone of their [assault] weapons, the same weapons the British Army were using. 

The militias eventually came together under General Washington's Continental Army, followed by a well written Constitution for the Republic. Most importantly, the 2nd Amendment was written for the sole purpose to allow a well regulated militia to exist [if] America ever (again) became a potential victim to an out-of-control tyrannical government or a "Coup.' 


Un-informed people suggest the National Guard is the "well regulated militia," some states, the National Guard evolved from the militia, just as the Continental Army was the militia before being organized.

As of 2010, over 23 states have both the National Guard and a regulated militia a.k.a. State Defense Force (SDF). The SDF serves as the last resort of defense when all hell breaks loose, or when the National Guard are serving overseas, as is the case today.

In Peace Times....the militia and National Guard assist with natural disasters, but lately....the extensive training by militia members is far more important for the Continuity of Government (C.O.G.) if or when current circumstances get out-of-control.

America is now under extreme and dangerous circumstances that could "go south" at any time. Everything from an assassination of both Trump and Pence (together) and Pelosi the temporary president, [Martial Law], to America being vulnerable to an attack by a foreign government and/or a Civil War, economic collapse, commerce shutdown, rioting, and the southern border compromised.....America's internal protection will require EVERYONE to be on-board by helping defend themselves, their neighbors and their towns.

The [planned] collapse of America by the Communists requires that all citizens be dis-armed, especially of high powered [assault] weapons and large capacity magazines. Well....if the militia complied, there's goes any defense in rural America....but fat chance that will happen.

Remember.....Bill Clinton provided China with high tech defense capabilities, George Bush provided 9/11, Obama continued providing China with American outsourcing, purged and weakened our military and set the stage for Hillary Clinton to put America in the cross-hairs of a Chinese attack, be it economical or militarily. 

The goal under HRC was for America to lose the next war while effectively turning America upside down and into a Third World status that would further open the door for a globalist take-over.

President Trump turned it all around and the globalists are frantic and desperate.

The next few years are critical and like 1775 before the Revolution, Americans came together as well formed militias, but only became regulated during the war with Britain.

Militia's now are both regulated and unregulated across the spectrum, but one thing is for sure....they are well formed and growing. The 2nd Amendment is their license to operate.....

Support your local will be happy they're there WHEN the shit hits the fan.

---Dave Bertrand

H/T James Paris

The 21st-Century Militia: State Defense Forces and Homeland Security

Abstract: State militias have helped to defend the United States since the Revolutionary War. Today, 23 states and territories have organized militias, most commonly known as State Defense Forces (SDFs). SDFs provide governors with a cost-effective, vital force multiplier and resource, especially if state National Guard units are deployed out of state. However, in general, SDFs are underfunded and undersupported. Some states at high risk for a natural or man-made disaster have not even created SDFs. The U.S. and its states can no longer afford to sideline these national security assets.
Since the founding of the United States of America, local militias have played an important role in its defense and security. Bolstered by the Founding Father’s concerns about maintaining a large standing army and preserved within the Constitution, the concept of the citizen soldier has since become ingrained in American culture and government.
Currently, 23 states and territories have modern militias. As of 2005, these militias had a force strength of approximately 14,000 individuals nationwide.[1] Most commonly known as State Defense Forces (SDFs) or state militias, these forces are distinct from the Reserves and the National Guard in that they serve no federal function. In times of both war and peace, SDFs remain solely under the control of their governors, allowing the governors to deploy them easily and readily in the event of a natural or man-made disaster.

Building on a strong U.S. militia tradition, today’s State Defense Forces offer a vital force multiplier and homeland security resource for governors throughout the nation. SDFs can greatly fortify homeland security efforts in the states by serving as emergency response and recovery forces. Consequently, state leaders should make strengthening existing SDFs a priority, while encouraging their creation in states that do not yet have SDFs, especially in states at high risk of a natural or man-made disaster.
This paper is the result of a first attempt by any organization to conduct a comprehensive survey of the nation’s SDFs. The Heritage Foundation sent surveys to the leaders of all 23 of the nation’s SDFs, and 13 responded. This paper analyzes their responses, looks at the history of the SDFs and the issues and challenges that they face, and makes recommendations on expanding the SDF role in homeland security.
From the Founding Through Today
Informed by British history and colonialism, many of the Founding Fathers believed that a large standing army could easily become an instrument of tyranny.[2] Nevertheless, the onset of the Revolutionary War clearly demonstrated the undeniable need to field a unified, professional national defense force to defeat the British. Thus, in 1775, despite the colonies’ long reliance on militias to defend their territories, the Continental Congress created the Continental Army, the nation’s first standing military force.[3]

However, creation of the Continental Army did little to impede the continued existence of militias throughout the nation. While militias were decidedly less effective during the Revolutionary War than the Continental Army, they nevertheless contributed to the war effort. In the early battles and later as auxiliary support to the Continental Army, the militia helped to win the war, securing their continued role in the nation.[4]

Ultimately, despite misgivings about the effectiveness of militias, the Founding Fathers incorporated their belief that a well-regulated militia was “the ultimate guardian of liberty” into the Constitution.[5] Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution states:

The Congress shall have the power…to provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress.[6]

The language of the Constitution granted the federal government the power to call forth the militia of the United States, but left the states the ability to appoint officers and to train their militias.
Five years after the Constitution was ratified, state militia powers were more firmly defined by the Militia Act of 1792, which required all free men ages 18 to 45 to serve in the enrolled militia. Further, laying the basis for principles that guide today’s State Defense Forces, the act dictated that the Adjutant General (TAG) of each state would command the militia and that state militias would receive no federal funds. At the same time, however, the Calling Forth Act of 1792 gave the President power to mobilize any and all state militia forces when the nation was under threat of invasion or in times of “insurrections in any State.”[7]

However, the Militia Act and Calling Forth Act did not end the contest between state governors and the federal government for control over militia forces. Within a few decades, this debate reached the Supreme Court. In 1827, the Court ruled in Martin v. Mott that the President had the exclusive right to determine if conditions warranted mobilization of militia forces. However, in 1820, the Court held in Houston v. Moore that states maintained concurrent authority with the President to mobilize the militia in the event of a natural disaster, civil unrest, insurrection, or invasion. This decision helped to set the basis for the modern state-apportioned militias.[8]

By the end of the War of 1812, the militias enrolled under the Militia Act of 1792 had largely declined as population growth made their size unwieldy and ineffective.[9] As states increasingly abolished mandatory militia service, volunteer militias became more prevalent. During the Civil War, the combined force of enrolled and volunteer militias proved more useful than in any previous war. Northern militias acted both independently and in conjunction with the U.S. Army to guard prisoners, man forts, and protect the coast, freeing up federal troops for duty elsewhere.[10]

Despite their utility during the Civil War, volunteer militia forces remained largely disparate and disorganized bodies until the 20th century. In 1903, the latest Militia Act (the Dick Act) transformed all state militia forces into units of the National Guard.[11] While this measure helped to professionalize and organize the U.S. militia, World War I created unforeseen challenges for state governors.

Within months of the U.S. entrance into World War I, the entire National Guard Force of more than 300,000 guardsmen was mobilized for active duty.[12] Deprived of their National Guard units and concerned about sabotage and espionage attempts on the mainland, governors began to call for the creation of home defense forces or organized state militias. The Home Defense Act of 1917 permitted the states to raise home defense forces in cases where the National Guard had been federalized.[13] By December 1917, eight months after the U.S. entered the war, 42 states had formed home guards or State Defense Forces with a total force strength of approximately 100,000 men.[14] After World War I, most SDF units were disbanded, but they were revived again during World War II,[15] growing to 150,000 members in 46 states and Puerto Rico.[16]


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