Monday, September 30, 2019


by Lee S Gliddon Jr

In their obvious hatred of President Donald J Trump we are forced to witness a travesty of justice beyond belief. We are seeing our Constitution disregarded, our laws broken and lies voiced by the very people we have elected to represent us, the citizens of the United States of America.

In my 79 years on this earth and as a man who sees honesty as a virtue I am appalled at the actions of  both our elected officials and the Main Stream Media. It is as if there is a contest to see which of these entities can dream up the biggest lie imaginable of our President!

As a young man I was a Democrat. In my late 20s I changed my political affiliation due to Independent as the Democrat Party became I came to abhor. In my 30s  I joined the Republican Party as I realized money was the reason for political differences. I learned that if a Democrat run Congress spent all the nation's money (tax dollars) they would vote for more tax money with no consent of their constituency. Conversely the Republican Party, if in control, spent all the money in the coffers (tax dollars) they would ask their constituents before imposing new taxes. If their constituents said, 'no,' they would wait until the government collected more money before resuming spending.

I say this as our President is doing exactly this. He is curtailing spending while adding jobs for the citizenry and collecting more in taxes. That is a Conservative at work!

This is what the Democrats do not want! What the Democrats want is a person in the presidency that can be controlled by money. They want to continue wasteful spending so they can get reelected by the people that are being stolen from.

Sadly the Republican Party (in part) has elected men and women who are desirous of controlling the President with money and therefore will not adhere to the original intent of the Republican Party. These are what are being referred to a RINOs.  Those are the Republicans who refuse to curtail wasteful spending.

President Trump was voted into the office to change all that! He has successfully accomplished many of his goals on the nations behalf and the fearful Democrats are terrified.

Consider these things, since President Trumps election to office he has:

Lowered taxes, eradicated regulations that were restricting employment (jobs creation), appointed judges the SCOTUS and District courts that apply the U.S. Constitution to rulings, controlled Illegal entry (all though hampered by judges with no intent to protect the citizenry,) built substantial portions of a wall despite (again) Judicial interference, brought our GDP up to a level that his predecessor said impossible, reined in North Korea nuclear testing, imposed tariffs that will bring China to the table, got our nation out of the ridiculous Iran Deal as well at the phony Climate Accord and a treaty that would have cost millions of jobs and billions of dollars, imposed sanctions on Russia and Iran designed to bring them to the bargaining table, and much, much more,

The sad reality is that everything he has accomplished was with no help whatever by the elected Democrats or RINOs. Not a single one of them offered any assistance while in fact offering only hindrance!

This nation was founded by men and women who had the fortitude and strength to get the job done and we have a President in Trump that equals their desire for greatness. His foresight and courage is second to no man on Earth! He earned his money while the unscrupulous elected officials in office, Democrats and RINOs scalped theirs from the taxpayers and sources of lesser men of fortitude. (Lobbyists)

In my years on Earth I served time in the U. S. Navy. I know the rigors of military service and the guts it takes to face adversity.  I have worked for companies and owned companies. I know what it means to rely on one's own self for a paycheck. I know business and have an understanding of the law. I have respect for the man who gets the job done while lesser men do all things possible to not only throw sand in the gears, but do anything to make themselves to be named as heroes without doing anything of note.

Folks...We are witnessing a group of Democrats and RINOs that are losers... Their sole intent is to bring down our President so as to replace him with someone...anyone they can control...The question is...Will the citizens of  this great nation allow them to succeed?

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