Thursday, September 5, 2019


BERTRAND DAILY REPORT The War For Your Mind and Soul Continues

Subject: Arlene Johnson: "Elite Organizations Control Presidents & Congress," United Nations & George Soros Destroying Countries, Opening The Door For Communism, Bed Bugs Must Be Eradicated---

Friends and Associates:

To understand what point in America we are at now, we need a (true) history review of what occurred in Europe and how George Soros has played a major role to undermine the entire world. His arrest and prosecution cannot come soon enough.....

Bertrand Daily Report would like to welcome a new (experienced) political researcher, / publisher / author Arlene Johnson [] to our family of informed Patriots around the world.

Memberships:- International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England
- American Biographical Institute
- Sterlings Who's Who, New York, New York
Honors:- International Woman of the Year for 2001
- The World Who's Who of Women 13th Edition, 1995
- 2000 Notable American Women, 1995
- Fellow of the International Biographical Association, 1995
- 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century to be published in late 2001 by the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England
- The International Biographical Centre's "21st Century Award for Achievement"

Below is an example of her work, breaking down the European Union and how Americans were deceived by the events in Iran when the Shah was the installed puppet in Iran for the New World Order agenda. Her work gives enormous reasons why the United Nations needs to be banned, or at least removed from the United States.

As you know....the Democrat Communist "Squad" are calling for United Nations to intervene at OUR border. If that happens, all hell will break loose and Americans will have absolutely no problem dealing with UN troops in the same manner Afghans and Iraqi's dealt with foreign troops that continue to occupy those countries in the name of "freedom." Americans are not ready for any type of similar intervention inside American borders.

Both America and the latest breakdown of the BREXIT movement in the U.K. to remove that country from the UN Agenda / European Union is failing and places both President Trump and P.M. Boris Johnson in the same battle for sovereignty and nationalism while unseen forces are working overtime to force a New World Order, a One World Government on both countries. 

A major aspect of what a New World Order is....populations no longer have a say in how their country should be governed. Are we already there??

Communists are like bed bugs that are very hard to eradicate and never seem to go away. There is no justification for or why bed bugs / communists are hidden in most every country in the world. The bed bug / communist doesn't have any ecological purpose except to draw blood whenever (they) can.

Nasty as the bed bug is, the communists are hard to eradicate and are so dangerous, they will cause the next world war.

Arlene Johnson points-out the elite organizations that create policy and promote the New World Order, and how George Soros is a major donor for anything communist. George Soros is the chief bed bug man of the world.

---Dave Bertrand 


Preface (by Arlene Johnson)
The purpose of this biography is to expose why
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shahanshah (King of Kings) of
Iran was deposed in 1979, because history books have at the
very least made an error in recording it.
Were it not for the fact that I met a gentleman who knew
the Shah of Iran and Empress Farah, I would not attempt to
correct the record about the shah, because I would never have
learned the secrets that my government in Washington D.C. has
kept hidden all the years since he died in 1980.
Now, I hasten to say that Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes did
interview the shah in both 1974 and 1976 at which time the shah
was able to expose the Jewish power over newspapers, much
of the media, banks, and ļ¬nances at which time he stopped
speaking as though he realized that his life would be in danger if
he had continued.
I gave this book the title that it has, because Iran is lodged
in between what was then the Soviet Union, Afghanistan, and
Iraq. If people have read my work, with particular emphasis on
what happened to Russia in 1917, they would know that Khazars
(Zionist Jews) overthrew the Russian Czar, murdering him and
his entire family in 1917, placing one of their own into power in
Russia, creating the Soviet Union. Union.(


                  By  Mike Walsh
There are 751 members of the European Union's parliament. Like a slave-master, George Soros buys, controls and pimps more than one-third of EU politicians; many hold dual-citizenship. Add media editors and journalists, directly or indirectly in the pay of Soros, and you have the largest brothel outside the United States.
The Soros list has recently been published. The document lists 226 Members of the European Parliament (MEP) from all sides of political spectrum. These include former President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, former Belgian PM Guy Verhofstadt, seven vice-presidents, and a number of committee heads, coordinators, and civil servants.
To see all 226 MEPs who Soros has co-opted, click here:
These rent boys promote the ideas of Soros, such as bringing in more migrants, same-sex marriages, integration of Ukraine into the EU, and provoking Russia.
George Soros, founder and owner of Open Society Foundations NGO, was able to meet with President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker with "no transparent agenda for their closed-door meeting" .
EU proposals to redistribute quotas of migrants across the EU are eerily familiar to Soros's own published plan for creating and dealing with the crisis.

The billionaire financier believes that the EU should receive millions of non-Europeans and provide each incomer with an annual £15,000 plus a Pandora's Box of benefits denied to each country's taxpayers. The aim is to settle benefit-bandits in member-states where they do not wish to go and are unwelcome.
The European Commission of Migration and Home Affairs are pushing a new bill to make migrant's quotas obligatory. At least 30 Soros supporters work for the commission.
The Soros list sheds light on what makes the EU leadership implement policies, which run counter to the interests of Europeans. The answer is corruption. Parliamentary prostitutes, who are infected by a sexually transmitted disease (STD) known as Soros, dance to the tune of 'The Fiddler on the Roof'. The disease is highly contagious and is a leading cause of death, poverty, cultural and population displacement. This is the reason why frustrated ethnic-Europeans are being betrayed by the political elite and media, denied justice by the judiciary, and treated unfairly by the police.
The much-vaunted European democracy is a facade to hide the activities of a power structure close to a feudal system with Lord George Soros calling the tune. The publication of the sinister Soros list provides an understanding as to who actually rules the EU and who instigates anti-Russia sentiments in Europe. Facebook has banned me, journalist and broadcaster, from sharing this story with social media's groups.

          Common Purpose UK
  Editor's note: My understanding is that Common Purpose is in all countries now. My immense thanks and gratitude to Norgeson for posting this on CIA-drugs listserv, a YahooGroups listserv. Author wishes to remain anonymous Link to Stop Common Purpose Home Page. This mind map gives an overview of Common Purpose.
Common Purpose UK
Common Purpose is a fraudulent 'educational charity' acting as a change agent being used to recruit and train the commissars and apparatchiks needed to implement the British government's hidden New World Order communitarian agenda. 

Common Purpose hates having people discuss it. Please donate to help keep this website going and spread the message.
1.Britain 2010s
We are living at a particularly momentous time in history. In order to understand what is happening in Britain in the 2010s, you need to know about four things:

1. The New World Order;2. The United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development Plan;3. A political philosophy called 'communitarianism';4. A fake charity named Common Purpose.

These four things are linked together. This website will help you join the dots.
leaf imgBackground
In 1973 the UK joined the Common Market and in the 1975 referendum the people of Britain were conned. into voting in favour of staying in the Common Market.  link img Prime Minister Edward Heath, whose government entered into the accession treaty, and Prime Minister Wilson, who arranged the referendum, both knew that the Common Market was simply a stage in the development of the European Union.
Editor's note: Edward "Ted" Heath also knew that entering the European Economic Community violated the British Constitution, because he received a letter in respond to his query of the highest legal authority in the land, Lord Kilmuir, that entering the EC would violate the Constitution. At some point, those behind the take-over of Britain by the EU realised that they needed people who they could trust to manage the new bureaucracy.   Enter Common Purpose, which was established to recruit and train the commissars and apparatchiks needed to run this bureaucracy. The Hidden Agenda From 1997, the New Labour government worked to two agendas. Firstly, the open agenda as laid out in their manifestos and secondly, their hidden agenda. The objective of the hidden agenda is the creation of a communitarian society controlled by the EU collective. In order to achieve this objective, the New Labour government ran a parallel administration made up of QUANGOs and fake charities. A fake charity is legally a charity but effectively operates as a government department, receiving a substantial amount of funding directly or indirectly from government and operating as a government department. The hidden agenda continues to operate under the coalition government. The British parliament has become just a puppet organization. They merely go through the motions - the pretense of acting like a governing body, but the reality is they are just rubber-stamping the programmes of the New World Order global communitarian technocrats.
New World Order
This project has been in the works for decades. Its main objectives are:
  1. The creation of a One World Government with a unified monetary system under their direction;
  2. To bring about the utter destruction of all national identity and national pride;
  3. To bring about the end to all industrialization in what they call 'the post-industrial zero-growth society'.

Agenda 21
"United Nations Local Agenda 21 Programme for Sustainable Development is the 'smoking gun' for the New World Order. Adopted by all member nations in 1992, this is the model for redesigning a communitarian world. If you're like a lot of people who sense something is very wrong, if you're looking for concrete, irrefutable evidence for the New World Order in your neighborhood, nothing comes close to asking your local officials about Local Agenda 21 (LA21)." leaf img¬ [1.2] "Whatever you call it, Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Smart Growth, the goals are the same, to reduce and eventually eliminate private property ownership and rights." leaf img¬ [1.3]
Smart Growth Another term for 'Sustainable Development'. leaf img ¬ [1.4]
European Union
Part of the New World Order. Common Purpose members are taught to 'lead beyond authority' and are involved in the slow and secretive merging of the public and private sectors and preparing Britain for complete takeover by the EU. Common Purpose is part of an extensive European Union espionage network in the UK. One of the senior spy masters in that network was Commissar Sarah Lambert leaf img ¬ [1.5], Head of Political Intelligence, EU Office in London. The EU intelligence and monitoring teams are charged with seeing how well the EU's plans are doing and reporting on anti-EU activists. These EU spies in Britain not only engage in legitimate, open-source intelligence gathering such as monitoring websites, newspapers and political meetings but also engage in illegal intelligence gathering activities such as bugging, surveillance of individuals (stalking) and burglary. The EU spy masters in London also employ criminals to intimidate and harass anti-EU activists.
Common Purpose, as exists in the UK, does not have representation in the USA. Common Purpose is being used to implement the EU/NWO communitarian agenda in the UK and a few other countries. The NWO communitarian agenda in the USA is being implemented through other communitarian programs. "Compassionate Conservatism is communitarianism. The Third Way is communitarianism. International Law has 'communitarian pretentions'. Community Policing is Communitarian Policing. Bill Clinton was a communitarian president." leaf img ¬ [1.6] "Agenda 21 uses communitarian language. The President of Colombia is a communitarian president. President Bush was a communitarian president. Obama was a communitarian president. George Soros is a communitarian. Americorps is a communitarian programme. Citizen Corps is a communitarian draft. Hilary Clinton is (among other various titles) a communitarian. ABCD- Asset Based Community Development is a communitarian mapping programme. Domestic Violence Acts and laws rely on communitarian shaming. Family based crime prevention is communitarian. Creative crime prevention is communitarian. Talmudic Homeland Security is communitarian. Faith-based programmes are communitarian. Domestic disarmament is Communitarian. Character Building is Communitarian. Globalization of Values and Norms is Communitarian. The New World Order is communitarian." leaf img ¬ [1.7] "Communitarianism and the Third Way are completely incompatible with religion - especially Christianity - in any way. The two simply cannot co-exist, because Communitarianism puts the common good ahead of any God-given rights including the right to live. We’re not just talking about abortion, but also elder care and end-of-life medical decisions." leaf img ¬ [1.8] Obama is sometimes called a 'socialist.' He isn't. He is a communitarian.
2. What is Common Purpose?
Some people think that Common Purpose is simply a criminal organisation set up to siphon off public money, but there is a lot more than that to the Common Purpose agenda On the surface, Common Purpose is an educational charity, registered in the UK under number 1023384, that does leadership and networking development training. However, Common Purpose is not what it appears to be on the surface. In reality, Common Purpose is a corrupt, subversive, secretive and deeply sinister organisation with a hidden agenda (communitarian corporate-communism, social control, corporate and EU state cont

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