Wednesday, April 24, 2019

NEWS WITH VIEWS 04/24/2019

Nothing Will Change Until The People Act

America needs you.  If any of you are really angry about what has happened to this great land and you are perched on the brink of "standing up", we encourage you to find the courage to do so.  Because your one act of courage will influence others to follow you and from hence our Republic will be reborn in an unquenchable and unstoppable cry for liberty..........
by Ron Ewart.

The Muslims Are Colonizing Under Your Noses - Putting Muslim Representatives Into Position Only to Attack!

Finally, this is not an article that attacks any particular people, it is about a particular people, namely the Muslims, that are attacking the very people that have given aid to them while playing the victim and, all the while, are in a full frontal attack in an attempt to conquer.........
by Bradlee Dean.

The Movie "Unplanned" Gives Insight To Dehumanizing Acts Like Sri Lanka

Abortion is the dehumanization of the unborn. It is murder. Abortion is un-American and illegal. Consequently, protecting, committing, funding, or participating in the act is criminal. Period.........
by Jake MacAulay.

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