Friday, April 19, 2019

NEWS WITH VIEWS 04/19/2019

Holding Politicians Accountable And The Danger Of Political Correctness

In the land called America, citizens exercise their power through the ballot box. Hence, when you vote in America, you vote for our freedom. When you decide to vote for a candidate, it is your civic duty to make sure that person has been thoroughly vetted and has answered your questions openly and publicly..........
by Amil Imani.

Mentally Ill Immigrant Throws Little Boy Off Mall Balcony

The Mall of America is the world's largest Mall with 4.2 million square feet, located in Bloomington, about 10 miles south of Minneapolis. It opened in 1992, has more than 520 stores,10 amusement attractions. and is visited by 40 million visitors annually.........
by Rev. Austin Miles.

Tea Party For Trump

It is exciting that my patriot brothers and sisters at Tea Party Express have announced the launch of “Tea Party for Trump.” My first tour on Tea Party Express in 2008 led to me speaking and preforming my “American Tea Party Anthem” at over 500 rallies on several national bus tours.........
by Lloyd Marcus.

The Founding Fathers Put The Finishing Touches On The Quest For Liberty

Throughout the annals of history, there have been those who sought the road that leads to Liberty.  There has been a continuous rise and fall of nations, both great and meager.  For the most part, one form of tyranny replaced another with the false promise of a better way of life for the people. History shows that only one Revolution was different.........
by Ron Edwards.

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