Monday, April 8, 2019

NEWS WITH VIEWS 04/08/2019

The Rabid Main Stream Media Hatred Of Trump Supporters

The Rule of Law is the principle that all people and institutions are subject to and accountable to law that is fairly applied and enforced. It has become only too obvious those connected to the Democrat Party never suffer for their crimes.  Enemies of the establishment will suffer for any perceived crime or for no crime at all, but their friends like Jussie Smollet go free, despite being charged with 16 felony counts..........
by Kelleigh Nelson.

America: Stealth Jihad On Steroids

This is exactly what real Muslims, the Islamists, are doing in the world today. It is suicidal to dismiss the Islamists as a bunch of zealots of no consequences or as a fringe group that will burn itself out. Sadly enough, it is the bulk of Muslims that pundits portray as “peaceful” and are either irrelevant or often serve as an instrument in the hands of the Islamists.........
by Amil Imani.

Replacing The Everyday American City With The ‘Ideal Communist City’

Several years ago, I wrote a series of articles for NewsWithViews, explaining Sustainable Development. Today two of them are popping up regularly in the media. Back when I wrote these two articles, people would not believe that all this planning and organizing could have been dreamed up by the Power Elite, let along set down as part of the blueprint for Agenda 21.........
by Kathleen Marquardt.

What Dream Has Your Name on It?

From 50, they face the last third of their lives with a sense of a downhill slide. Most never lived any “great” moments or vanquished any dragons let alone navigated a great sailing ship called the Black Pearl like Captain Jack Sparrow. None took off through space like the Next Generation on the Starship Enterprise.........
by Frosty Wooldridge.

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