Saturday, April 27, 2019

GELLER REPORT 04/27/2019

 Today's Headlines

Catch the wave on an open thread

For that's a lovely way to be...

Washington D.C. Muslims Demand Restaurants Open at 4 AM for Ramadan

Islamization and Islamic supremacism in action. Members of any other religion would go to their restaurants owned and operated by their co-religionists. But nooooooo....

Stock market’s value under Trump has grown by $6.9 trillion to $30.6 trillion

#Trump2020 #GOAT AND if that weren't enough, the US GDP goes boom, advancing at a 3.2% pace.

Iran: Underlying Dualistic Spirituality

What I am about to reveal is about the things I personally witnessed.

Obama White House Sought Ukraine’s Help In Taking Down Trump: REPORT

#IndictObama This coup is the biggest than Alger Hiss.

Sri Lanka Police Storm MASSIVE Jihad Weapon Factory

Like the Ariana Grande pop concert, children were deliberately targeted. Remember that when you see Democrats obfuscate, scrub and refer to 'Easter worshippers.' They are as much the enemy.

After Numerous Attacks Against Christians, Portland Police Sends Extra Patrols To Protect Mosques

It is Muslims who are the true victims of Muslim warfare. Imagine: 'it is Nazis who are the true victims of Nazi warfare.'

TREASON: Wife of VP Pence Former Chief of Staff Joshua Pitcock Was Working for Peter Strzok in FBI

FBI Strzok and Page planned to use Pence's chief of staff to recruit spies in the White House for the FBI.

Sri Lanka: Father of Easter jihad bombers arrested

Here again we see it: there are no "lone wolves." Jihad terror doesn't arise in a vacuum.

Sri Lanka Media: 11 Mosques Near Easter Bomber’s Home ‘Openly’ Preached Jihad

Sri Lankan authorities, as well as authorities all over the West, are in total denial about where the ideological impetus for attacks such as the one in Sri Lanka comes from.

After Sri Lanka Christian Massacre, Media Deploys “Muslims Fear Backlash” Meme

Here we go. It happens every time we see when devout Muslims slaughter, maim and mutilate in the cause of Allah, or plot to do so.

Pregnant wife of Sri Lankan jihad homicide bomber detonates bomb as police raid home

This kind of family will become increasingly common in Western countries.

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