Thursday, March 7, 2019

NEWS WITH VIEWS 03/07/2019

The Fearful And Unbelieving

You wanna know what really scares me?  What if one day I stand before the Lord and He asks me why I PERSONALLY didn’t do anything to fight against the darkness sweeping over the land. I wonder how my weak response will echo in the corridors of the doomed and the damned..........
by Coach Dave Daubenmire.

Creepy Little People

They believe “rights” are defined and granted by government, that government has the authority to sort people into groups and rank those groups according to some weird standard of “justice” known only to those who do the ranking, and that government must “balance” the rights of all these groups from day to day to see which group’s rights gets to be queen for a day—until they decide it’s time for a change. For “government,” read “Facebook.”.........
by Lee Duigon.

From Roy Rogers To Infanticide

The Bill of Rights, Article I states, “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;” What can we do if an enemy sets up a “press” to manipulate elections, news, and other information to promote its ends or to subvert our way of life?.........
by Lloyd Marcus.

The Strange Death Of Europe: Muslims Never Become Part Of A Host Country

I can share with you this: reading this book gives you an uneasy understanding and foreboding reality check as to what’s coming into America.  Any fool can see that we commit our own suicide as a culture, language and way of life.  You’ve heard the saying, “The American People”, but today we fail to meet that statement because we are becoming every other country’s people.........
by Frosty Wooldridge.

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