Wednesday, March 6, 2019

NEWS WITH VIEWS 03/06/2019

Raw Meat In A Forest

Many years ago four of us went fishing in central British Columbia. We hiked back in with day-trip packs to a remote lake where a couple of rowboats had been stashed. With two in each rowboat we set out towards the middle of the lake to fish for a while before lunch. The fishing was good because not many people wanted to make the long hike into the lake. The lake hadn't been fished for most of the season...........
by Ron Ewart.

Some Men Have A Very Small Savior

Look at the history of the church of Christ after the days of the apostles. How soon formalism ate out the life and vitality of the primitive Christians. Look at the Middle Ages, as they are called. Formalism so covered the face of Christendom that the Gospel laid there as one does when they are dead. Look, lastly, at the history of the protestant churches in the last three centuries..........
by Bradlee Dean.

Rule Of The Harvest

In 1999, I asked the complaining NCOs what they were going to do about the problems they aired.  Now, it is more of a personal question for each of us, I think.   If you feel as I do that our country has been making a long turn away from what is good and that fiery old preacher is pointing his Bible at you, then what must each of us do about it?  It’s a look in the mirror question.........
by JD Pendry.

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