By allowing and even promoting the presence of these ANTI-AMERICAN people to gain a position of legislating *LAWS* to destroy America and our Constitutional Republic should be a crime and those involved be charged, prosecuted, and incinerated (yes INCINERATED!) . It is my belief that they WILL be incinerated for their dirty work as they spend eternity in the Lake of Fire but we need to do something to bring an end to any of their ilk from gaining public office. When we allowed the Sharia/Muslim **refugees** to remain in America after they could have been returned to their homeland we let it be known that they could lead their cause to destroy this nation from within. It makes me sick that my home state of Minn. is one of the hot beds for this activity. The land that my ancestors helped to settle as they immigrated from Poland - assimilated as American and worked so hard to build AMERICA. Those people have been replaced by terrorists in *refugee* drag disguise - no intention to assimilate or to BUILD America - they came to destroy from Within. These two females and the other one with that filthy mouth make no bones about their political plans to destroy America and to be paid by us while they do it.
They are the female serpents owned and directed by Satan himself.
Jackie Juntti
5:58 AM 02/14/2019 | EDITORIALDerek Hunter | Contributor
On the show today, we expose the hatred and hypocrisy of the Left as it boiled over all over Capitol Hill yesterday.
Congress is preparing to vote on a 1,159-page funding bill today that was finalized and introduced in the House last night at 11:51 p.m. to fund the government. Will anyone read it? Could they?
Freshman Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez found a place to live, Ilhan Omar hates herself some Jews, another Democrat mocks the good economy, and Georgetown is considering paying reparations to decedents of slaves the school sold in 1838.
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The bill to fund the government has been introduced in Congress, 1,159 pages with a 609-page summary. No one will read it by the time of the vote, breaking the promise of Nancy Pelosi, which was also a promise Republicans made and didn’t keep when they took the House. What could go wrong?
Ocasio-Cortez went from complaining about income inequality to living in one of the most exclusive buildings in D.C. It’s only a 15-minute walk to work, but the author of the Green New Deal that seeks to climate cars to save the planet is driven to work every day. Rules are for other people.
Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar spent the day after apologizing for being an anti-Semite fundraising off of refusing to stop being an anti-Semite and attacking a Jewish diplomat as a war criminal for actions he wasn’t involved in. Yes, seriously.
Another Democrat mocked the economy doing well; actress Brie Larson doesn’t want too many white men reviewing her Captain Marvel movie because, well, she’s an angry liberal; and Georgetown’s student body is going to vote on whether or not to impose a fee on students to pay reparations to the decedents of slaves the school sold 180 years ago. The world has gone insane.
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